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The e-commerce.

Prorated_qty field in database...


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This is a bit of a technical question, but I don't know where else to ask it : In the database OSCommerce has, there is a table called "Products". In this table there is a field called "Prorated_qty". It seems that if this field is less than zero, that product is not displayed on the site. That makes sense - obviously there is a quantity that shows how many of the product are on hand and a prorated one showing how many are on hand minus the number ordered.


But I don't have a pre-order module installed and I don't see anywhere that pre-orders are accepted... Is there a bug of some sort that makes OSCommerce deduct numbers from that field? If so, is there a workaround for this?


This is a bit of a technical question, but I don't know where else to ask it : In the database OSCommerce has, there is a table called "Products". In this table there is a field called "Prorated_qty".

Never seen a field like that. These are the fields that a standard osC installation has in the table products:


 products_id int NOT NULL auto_increment,
 products_quantity int(4) NOT NULL,
 products_model varchar(12),
 products_image varchar(64),
 products_price decimal(15,4) NOT NULL,
 products_date_added datetime NOT NULL,
 products_last_modified datetime,
 products_date_available datetime,
 products_weight decimal(5,2) NOT NULL,
 products_status tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
 products_tax_class_id int NOT NULL,
 manufacturers_id int NULL,
 products_ordered int NOT NULL default '0',


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