ukgreetingcards Posted July 6, 2010 Posted July 6, 2010 Hi there, I have been with oscommerce now for a few days i am having a bit of trouble for some reason Microsoft explorer which is my default browser it is version 8 has stop showing my website correctly Firefox works ok I am using downloaded template called purple bubble as anyone got any ideas please i have got another question I want to add another box on the right hand side of my website can this be don as I would like to add live chat also I am trying to find within the software how you can add your keywords and meta description any help would really be really appreciated Michael My website is :rolleyes:
Ken44 Posted July 6, 2010 Posted July 6, 2010 Hi Michael The reason your website does not display correctly in IE8 is because you used Microsoft Word to edit the welcome text. You should use a plain text editor such as notepad or notepad+. To add another box on the right hand side. See here But there are contributions/add-ons to make this easier. To add your keywords and meta description you will need another contribution/add-on Read this (Hint: KissMT is the easiest) Hope this helps Regards Ken
ukgreetingcards Posted July 6, 2010 Author Posted July 6, 2010 Hi Ken Thanks for helping me I have put it through note pad and the writing is there but for some reason I have lost featured products and the banner at the bottom of the site in Firefox it’s all ok!! Regarding adding another box I think I will leave it looks too complicated for me all I wanted to do is add live chat also twitter box Michael Hi Michael The reason your website does not display correctly in IE8 is because you used Microsoft Word to edit the welcome text. You should use a plain text editor such as notepad or notepad+. To add another box on the right hand side. See here But there are contributions/add-ons to make this easier. To add your keywords and meta description you will need another contribution/add-on Read this http://forums.oscomm...-your-osc-shop/ (Hint: KissMT is the easiest) Hope this helps Regards Ken
Ken44 Posted July 6, 2010 Posted July 6, 2010 Hi Michael Take a look at your source. This is still in the code (line 251 - 567) <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta content="Word.Document" name="ProgId"> <meta content="Microsoft Word 12" name="Generator"> <meta content="Microsoft Word 12" name="Originator"> ETC. You will need to remove this and then the page will display correctly. When you look at the contributions to add live chat they will probably include a box to add to your column right. Regards Ken
ukgreetingcards Posted July 6, 2010 Author Posted July 6, 2010 Hi Ken This a strange one I have taken the code out but it will not display any further surgestions would be welcome Michael
Ken44 Posted July 6, 2010 Posted July 6, 2010 Hi The MS Word code is still in your sourcecode. Download notepad++ and install it. Download catalog\includes\languages\english\index.php and Open it in Notepad++ In notepad++ click View > Show Symbol > Show all Characters. Delete all the strange characters except ‘LF’. Also there is a ‘ in your text. All Single quotes must be escaped with a backslash. So Birthday's must be written as Birthday\'s or Birthday's Upload catalog\includes\languages\english\index.php back to the server. Check any other files that may have been edited in word the same way. Regards Ken
ukgreetingcards Posted July 6, 2010 Author Posted July 6, 2010 Hi Ken I have downloaded the software but were do I download catalog\includes\languages\english\index.php from i wish I never started this!! driving me mad Michael
Ken44 Posted July 6, 2010 Posted July 6, 2010 Hi Michael catalog\includes\languages\english\index.php This is the file that is (probably) causing the problem. The file that (probably) has been edited in Word. Its on your website in the \includes\languages\english\ folder. You will need an FTP program (such as Filezilla) to download it back to your PC. How have you changed the words on your website? Are you using Frontpage or Dreamweaver? Regards Ken
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