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The e-commerce.

Cloning a shop with diff DB and graphics


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Hi guys,


I am sorry for bugging you... I was "away" from osCommerce for a while, and seem to have forgotten everything. Seriously. And the more I look and search, and try, the more of a mess I seem to make.


I have a working shop with numerous add-ons. I want to take that template and clone it for a different shop. Different domain, different DB, different graphics, different text.


I have taken the whole shop (all files in catalog), thought I had changed most script details referring to images etc.) and placed it on different hosting, referring to the new DB. I also thought I had imported the DB backup from shop a) to shop B). Like I said, I thought... My main problem right now is that I am apparently missing info that needs to be changed in some files.


When I now try to get into admin for the new shop, I am transferred to admin for the old shop.


So I would like to start from zero again. Take the old shop that I have on my hard disk. Go through a list of files that I need to change. Upload the necessary SQL scripts to a blank DB to get all of the add-ons. Fine-tune in admin area.


My request - can someone point me to which files I need to change? Where to find what info? Just post the forum links if that works... I just honestly forgot everything I knew about OSC when I was away from it for so long.


Thanks in advance,



This is probably a good place to start.


One thing not mentioned in that thread is this:


In the includes FOLDER (catalog and admin) where the normal configure.php files are there is a FOLDER named local


On some installs there may be a configure.php inside the local FOLDER (catalog and admin)


If there is, anything in it overrides anything in the normal configure.php files.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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Super, thanks - that helped. Slowly getting into osC again. :)


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