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Java script shipping module


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Hi. When I access my shop with Firefox, I get error in the following line of checkout_shipping.php:


 <script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
     //insert help icon (can be any icon)
        '<img class="bringHelpImage" src="images/icons/bring_info.png"/>'
     //help icon -> set mouse cursor to help
        {'cursor' : 'help'}
     //bringHelpTrigger is span element with produkt ID --> insert the tooltip callback function:
         bodyHandler: function() {
            tooltipBodyLocator = "#" + $(this).attr("id") + "_body"; 
             return $(tooltipBodyLocator).html(); 
         showURL: false,
         id: 'bringFraktTooltip'


Line 2 is the one with error, and the error message is "$ is not defined". I'm having some problems with this shipping module. Could this be the cause of it? And what to do?


Please help.


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