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Installed xmembers,need help with the altering.


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Hello and thanks in advance for your help.

I installed the 2 files for xmembers and have no idea where to do the altering as instructed.


ALTER TABLE `customers` ADD `member_flag` CHAR(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;


I have no idea what I am doing,I am new to osCommerce and installed these files as xmembers seemed to be the easiest to set up for discounts.


I just need to know where to find the file listed above to alter it and

is there anything else I should know about setting up xmembers.


What I really wanted was a way to accept gift certificates,What I found seemed complicated to set up.

osCommerce was set up by my hosting company so I am unfamiliar with the files.

Please help me with instructions on altering the file listed above.



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You need to alter the Database to add the member flag to complete your installation.


Do you have access to your database via phpMyAdmin or other means?

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Thanks for your reply !.

I do have access to the database but do not know where to begin or what file to alter.

I tried catalog/customers.php did'nt see where to alter.

I am stumped as I never worked with php before this.

Could you please point me to which page or pages need to be altered?

And howw do I know where the alteration needs to go ?


Thanks again!


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I am not sure what file exactly I am looking for ,this is the file that I found.

in catalog/admin/customers.php. Is this correct ?


tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '" . tep_db_input($customers_id) . "'");



Is this correct ?

if so wher do I alter the code.?




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