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The e-commerce.

How can my customers find me? Driving Traffic to my site.


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I have two retail sites here for a couple of years now. One of the sites I had hosted elsewhere for a number of years and had a good number of orders. Now I am here it seems like no one can find my site unless they get it from my business card or from another link. What do I need to do to drive traffic to my site? Meta tags? SEO? Please direct me to any previous postings or leave (non-geek) advice what I can do to drive traffic.








I installed the "Easy Meta-tags" contribution on the site I manage and we went from page 7 or 8 to page 1 on our main search term. and we've been there ever since.


All I can say is what worked for me.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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