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The e-commerce.

order email


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I think there a problem in the automatic email that is send to a customer out after placing an order from my webshop.

It sends the name of the store, the ordernumber, a link to the packingslip and de date it was ordered.

But when it comes to the products it only displays this:


1 x Product 2 () =



This was an order with 7 testproduct, however it only displays one and it even fails to do that accurately. To me it looks like something is wrong in a script and it blocks all the other data from comming through. Does anyone have any ideas what might be the problem?

Like: in which file should I find the problem?




Try looking in the checkout_process.php file in the top directory.

Couldn't tell you how to edit it, but there seems to be some email-confirmation stuff there.

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