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The e-commerce.

What is going on, old links?


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I started my first attempt with oscommerce i uploaded and started playing with at onlineshop.beyondprinting.com.au , i soon after learning what i was doing (after breaking it a few times) i decided to create shop.beyondprinting.com.au, i uploaded fresh and added a couple of mods, then setup and all was ok, i expoted the sql table and imported to the new sql database, it was all working well and the listing and setting was all setup ok but i now have a problem that everything on the site is correct links on the catalog on the left are pointing to onlineshop.beyondprinting.com.au, i checked files for it pointing wrong and its not and also searched the DB for online and that came up with noting.


Does it do the same for others? is there something else im missing?





Unless you have some hard coded links somewhere, the only places to look for the incorrect setting would be in:








If the sites are on the same server (I'm betting they are) reset the category cache in the admin.


Looks to me like they are sharing the same category cache.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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Thanks germ. clearing the cache did the trick.




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