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Help with a Links page


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I am running into an error trying to make a links page - Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<'


I have duplicated my "privacy.php" page and figure I could paste the code in where the "enter your text information here" goes.


Here is a copy of the first link, my error is on line 16 (bolded it).


It also include the first link, I have about 50 other linked set up and coded like that, I am clueless right now as to how to fix it, any help would be appreciated.




$Id: links.php 1739 2007-12-20 00:52:16Z hpdl $


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define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Links');

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Links');


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', <?><table cellspacing='2' bordercolor='#000000' bgcolor='#000000' width='97%' align='center'>

<tr align='left'>


<td align='center' width='50%'><font size='2' face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' color='white'><b>22 Elite</b></font></td>

<td align='center' width='50%'><font size='2' face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' color='white'><b>214-564-3855</b></font></td>





<tr align='left'>


<td align='center' width='100%' colspan='2' ><a href='http://www.22elite.com' target='_blank'><img src='dist_images/22eliteBanner.jpg'></a></td><br>






The problem is that your define statement is not correctly formatted. They must be in the form of define('', '');


Unless you just want to do this for your own benefit, I suggest you install either Links Manager II (see My Addons) or Reciprocal Links by Spooks since there's not much sense in re-inventing the wheel.

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Thanks Jack - I think I may just do that, I was thinking with all of them already written I would just slap them in there.


Any chance you can gimme a link to a site with your Links Manager already installed so I can see how it looks?


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