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Posted (edited)

Thanks for this great contribution :)


I'm using it and it works fine except for the navigation buttons. The don't show up. Neither the images nor the buttons. I've imported the images into /images/icons/ and imported the code into the stylesheet.css. But it doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea, what the problem might be?


As said before, everthing else works just fine.



Sorry for my english. English isn't my native language :)



anyone know why I cant get more than 3 banners to rotate? when I added the 4th it ignores it.




Did you change "Banner Rotator Max Banners" in the admin-panel? You should find it under something like "configuration/Banner Rotator" - Can't tell the exact location, because my osCommerce is a german version.

Edited by Toastgnom

Could be several things. Look at the page in your browser's View Source. Are the paths to the images correct? If you have osCommerce installed in a subdirectory, you may need to add the subdirectory name to the image string in the stylesheet.


While you're in View Source, check the links in the head section to all of the Javascript and stylesheet pages. Are all of the links added in the instructions showing up?




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

  • 11 months later...


My problem is after installing the Banner Rotator that my admin sector change the size (much bigger). Why this?

Thank you for helping


Because I forgot: here again my questions:




My problem is after installing the Banner Rotator that my admin sector change the size (much bigger) and also move the columne. Can somebody help me?

And also I like to know if I have to uninstall the frontpage modul after installing the Banner rotator? Becaus nothing is working.

I am using OSC 2.3.1


Thank you for helping


The changes to your Admin are probably caused by deleting files that you shouldn't have, particularly the files in catalog/ext/jquery/. Don't do that.


This banner rotator is designed for osCommerce 2.2x. Using it on 2.3.1 is not recommended, and will require a number of code changes to work properly. I recommend that you use the Modular Front Page addon instead, as it has a Banner Rotator module with all of the correct changes.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Thank you Jim. One question: What I am doing wrong that my Banner rotator from Frontpage is not working and how can I place the Banner picture in the top of the main page?


Thank you in advance for your help


I don't know what you are doing wrong. I can't read minds. I suggest you read the instructions and check everything you have done.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


That site is using the Banner Rotator module in Modular Front Page. You can do the same -- just read the instructions.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Thank you.

I was reading all about the modular front page modul, but I don't know where I make the mistake.

Can you help me and explain how to bring up this rotator? Maybe I have to put a rotater group in the admin sector?


Best regards



I've answered your question. You are not going to get a different answer if you keep asking. I'm going to ignore any more questions, so don't even try.

See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Thank you for the great help!! Without this my osc wouldn't be so NICE!!

Hopefully other people will not have the same problems, because the help from JIM is one of the best here.


Great and thank you


Hi Jim,


Is there a way to remove the padding/space that appears to the left of the images? I cannot locate what is causing it. Thanks in advance!




There's no left padding that I'm aware of. The CSS positioning is to the top left corner of the bounding box. Either you have it inside something else that has left padding or you have some other CSS that's overriding the Banner Rotator CSS. Use Firebug or the built-in debugger in Firefox or Chrome to see what the controlling CSS is for that element.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Hi Jim, I have installed the Banner Rotator and it functions perfectly and looks beautiful on the site, thanks so much for this great contribution! I did notice however that it isn't outputting any alt text. The language id is set to 1 and there is text entered in both the banners_title and banners_html_text but neither is being output for any of the banners. Thanks in advance for your help, it is greatly appreciated!



Best Regards,


~ Mandy


The text in banners_html_text should show up. The banner rotator uses the stock osCommerce image function for this, so if the banner images show up the text should show as well. Perhaps the Javascript rotator is interfering. I don't know what's wrong so I can't suggest a fix.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Hi Jim, Thanks for the quick repy! In banner_rotator.php I changed the following:


echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $banner['banners_image']);


to this:

echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $banner['banners_image'], $banner['banners_html_text']);


And now it outputs the alt and the title tags :) Is this the correct way of doing it?

Thanks again!


Best Regards,


~ Mandy


You changed the code to the way it is in Version 1.2. Where did you get one without that code? And yes, that's the way it should be.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

  • 3 weeks later...

Managed to install this contribution successfully! Thank you very much for the wonderful and simple to use contribrition! I have been looking for one for SOoooo long!


One problem. On my computer / PC and Mac, no problem for the banner to display properly.




However, when browse using ipad, the banners are not stacked up, but displayed all out vertically. Has anyone tested on iPad?


(Tried on Android phone, no problem.)

Best regards,

Koh Kho King


That sounds like the Javascript is not working. Many mobile browsers have a problem with this.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


That sounds like the Javascript is not working. Many mobile browsers have a problem with this.





Hi Jim,


No problem on Android phone, but on iPad no good.


Any solution to that?

Best regards,

Koh Kho King


Maybe upgrade the jQuery file to the latest version? osCommerce 2.2x is no longer supported, so I doubt this will ever be fixed. Upgrade to 2.3.3 and it should work.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Maybe upgrade the jQuery file to the latest version? osCommerce 2.2x is no longer supported, so I doubt this will ever be fixed. Upgrade to 2.3.3 and it should work.





Hi Jim,


I just noticed the same problem using IE.


Fine on FireFox, but IE no good. :wacko:


I have upgraded my jquery to the latest 1.8.0 version, still same problem.



Best regards,

Koh Kho King

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