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The e-commerce.

Products url?


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Old lady at it again. Have to make it work this time. :unsure:


When adding a product in the 'New product in "Top"' place there is a 'Products url' to fill in. What am I suppose to write here and where is it suppose to lead?


Hi Eva,


If I understand you correctly...


In the admin panel you are adding new product information and that's where you see the entry for the "Products URL"?


You can leave that blank.


It might be useful to add the URL address of the product on the manufactures website. But that's only if you can't or won't add enough information regarding the product yourself. I would rather not have customers leave my site just to read about a product I'm selling.



- :: Jim :: -

- My Toolbox ~ Adobe Web Bundle, XAMPP & WinMerge | Install ~ osC v2.3.3.4 -


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