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Mod_Rewrite Mod Possible? - Overhead?


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Hello Im thinking of getting a mod written that will allow in admin for each category and product the ability to add an html reference


such as in my blood pressure section I can then add:




Then I rewrite every box, HREF for category and product in the code to check whether the section or product has a htm entered - if so it rewrites the link to: example




If no link is entered for that section or product then it will return the standard link.


In my httpd.conf I then add all of my mod_rewrites:


RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^blood_pressure.htm /default.php?cPath=50


(Try it on the url above it works nice!)


This can also be done within .htaccess but I believe there is less of an overhead if you put them directly into httpd.conf?? Anyone know apache well confirm this?


If we can get this mod working them I plan to put about a 1000 entries into httpd.conf - do you think the overhead will be ok?


The mod is beyond me - do you think it would be difficult? Im sure alot of people could make use of this - then we are not going to have a problem with search engines!!


Can anyone think of any possible problems - such as seesion IDs? Cookies etc before I look into this more?


I think I will have to wire the system with hpld - force cookies as with this system I can never allow a sid to be added you can read more here:




OR make the mod to do an extra check and when the user has logged on and sids are started to be appended - just make everything point back to the old PHP URLS. With the sid killer I have installed the search engines will never see the sid so will only see the htm replacement links at all times??


What do you reckon - sound like a good plan ?



Graham Wright


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