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The e-commerce.

removing unwanted clipart on default page


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Is everyone sick of me yet? By the time I am finished I think I will have covered every aspect of osCommerce.


Okay question for now is:


How do you get rid of the little clipart pic on the default page. I have looked everywhere trying to remove it. I know where the pic is located but can't get rid of the pic.


Cheers :oops:

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Comment out this line in default.php


<?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'table_background_default.gif', HEADING_TITLE, HEADING_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADING_IMAGE_HEIGHT); ?>

Happy fiddle

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You could also try making up a 1x1 transparent gif and calling it table_background_default.gif, then loading it into your catalog/images folder. It will replace the default image that shows now, with a small see thru one. I've also done this to make those info box corners disappear!



I used to be insane, but now I'm just nuts ;)

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  • 11 months later...

I have a similar problem to this. I have re-done most of the clipart to what I want, but there is a new problem...size!


Each indivual image is a different size which I want to keep. How do I go and make sure each image for each page is the size it is supposed to be?


I did the admin > images, but it only pertains to the header clipart in general, not specific for each page like I want it.


Any ideas?

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You'll have to find the tep_draw_image() function in each of the pages you want to edit, and edit their function calls to tep_draw_image.


The 3rd and 4th input arguments to that function are the image width and height, respectively.

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Thank you TheBlueEyez,


I actually found something different than that. The image that I was replacing the clipart with was all scrunch up and ugly, it was located on the products_new.php file. The only thing related to tep_draw_image were the seperators. So I did a little experiment.


The original code looks like this:

echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'table_background_products_new.gif', HEADING_TITLE, HEADING_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADING_IMAGE_HEIGHT);


So, I changed it to this (via deleting the last part that calls the admin specified size):


echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'table_background_products_new.gif');


I can't believe I didn't see that :P I am so use to HTML....it will take me a little time to get use to PHP :rolleyes:

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