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The e-commerce.

Recommended contributions for brand new store


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It seems this has been covered in a discussion before, but I just searched the forums for half an hour and couldn't find anything. If a discussion already exists, please let me know and accept my apologies.


I've been involved in a dozen or so osCommerce sites and have just installed osCommerce for our latest project. Before moving forward, I'd like to determine which contributions are vital and have them installed. Here are some that we'll be adding for sure:


Header Tags SEO


Easy Populate

Featured Products


If there is not already a discussion on this, I'd love to hear some feedback on how developers handle brand new installations and which contributions are a must for new installations.




In general these are the ones I always install.



Ultimate SEO / Header Tags

MoPics / Thumbs


Google Base

Master Password

*Easy Populate


*I always recommend getting a license for StoreManager by Magnetic One for stores with more then a hundred products which negates the need for this.


Then based on site needs.

Simple Template System

Information Pages

Ajax Search Suggest

Minimum Order

Quantity Price Break

Shipping Models / USPS / UPS / FedEx

Payment Models

Cross Sell

Featured Products


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