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Custom Home Page


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Hello all,


Here is what Im trying to do, I have found some tpoics that hint at what I want but I cant find exactly what I want.


I want to have the "HOME PAGE" open up but NOT show any products. Instead I want it to show a welcome message or text about the company.


The Vanilla Version of the product comes with a paragraph that can be edited etc...and I would think I could just comment out the products on the home page...HOWEVER :-" I have a template I purchased. They have no text like that, just the products.


Could someone tell me what/which/where to add/change the code on the catalog/index.php so I can call the paragraph (TEXT_MAIN) in the includes/languages/english/index.php.

And then tell me what to comment out in the catalog/index.php so the products dont show up. >_<


I hope that made sense... :blush:


He who sits in jelly, has ass in jam.


As you have a template you may get none or very little help. I would suggest that you contact the template supplier, as they must offer some sort of support, and see what advice they can give you.



I am currntly trying to combine the template and the stock oscommerce. If I get it to work Ill post what I did.


give me a day or two :-"

He who sits in jelly, has ass in jam.


Well I got the text on the main page!


In the file new_products.php I added:


	<table align="center" width="100%">
           <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_MAIN; ?></td>


and now I have the TEXT_MAIN showing on the "home" page.

He who sits in jelly, has ass in jam.


That means that you have not added the text that the define is calling. You need to enter text in the language file for the page you are trying to alter.



The text IS showing now on the home page.

The only thing is it is also showing on some other pages. I guess where I edited is being picked up by some of the other pages. Now to start going through all the php files...arggh. :o


I do have a open support ticket in with the template company and they seem to be trying to help :huh:


If you have any other suggestions 14steve14 please send 'em :thumbsup:

He who sits in jelly, has ass in jam.


This is exactly why i don't purchase templates or anything else for a "free" e-commerce solution. The only exception is the designing oscommerce e-book by osgroup. Although my site is currently a work in progress, I'd rather mess around with it and get it to work the way i want for free. :-" :D

Always backup your files! You will be glad you did

My add-ons :

SSPP Seperate Shipping Per Product v2.5| Support
Gift vouchers for SPPC 4.22 v2.1 | Support |
Catalog Infobox v1.0 | Sorry no support for Catalog Infobox |
HTML Mail v2.0 | Support |

Upcoming Add ons:

Addon Manager |
Separate Pricing Per Product Qty |
Coupon Populate |
EZ-PDF Catalog


I understand what your saying, but I do websites/hosting on the side and dont have time to customize all these php/css files...plus this was my first go at oscommerce.


I have good knowledge of the php, so its just understanding the coding on how and what files are being called when certain pages appear...then jumping through the files to find that file...then the code to edit... :'(


This forums has been a great tool for me so I appreciate all of the help and comments...Ill keep you all posted as I muddle through >_< :D



He who sits in jelly, has ass in jam.


Well after much fussing I DID IT!


how you ask?


I added the following to the INDEX.PHP file:

 } else { // default page

   <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
           <td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_MAIN; ?></td>


This made the text_main words only show on the main page and not on any other.

Thanks to everyone that had suggestions.


Steve :D

He who sits in jelly, has ass in jam.


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