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alternate image path


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I am trying to setup several shops all linking to the same image directory. I would like the directory to be in up the path from the individual shops. I tried loading the images with ../ but that didn't work. The shops would be in /var/www/domain.com the images in /var/www/product_images. I would like to retain the default image directories for everthing but the products.


Any help is greatly appreciated.



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OSC is not inherently designed to support multiple image paths for the same image. However it can be done by creating a few new database tables.


You will need to create at least one new table probably two/three new tables and a few new fields in the existing OSC database depending upon how you want to manage images.


One table should contain all of the elements of the images and the second table needs to contain speciific information to link each image to a particaular site. This second table should tie back to the original talbe in OSC. This way you are creating a many<->many data relationship. Many sites can have many images for many HTML positional references.


If these sites on different physical servers you will need to explicity referece that image location (www.domain.com/images/file.jpg)


Additional coding will be required in the Admin portion as well so that your new table structures contents can be easily modified ( or just do it through PHPMYADMIN)




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