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SEO titles / ms excel spreadsheet integration


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I've been searching these forums for days now and need some help. I have just got my shop up and running and want to link the product database to an excel spreadsheet that contains 20,000 products. I found some old contributions but not sure if they are the latest and greatest. Could someone post a link to the best contribution to integrate spreadsheets?


Also looking for the best SEO contribution for page titles and increasing search engine results.


I do have a need for a programmer well versed in dealing with OS Commerce if anyone is interested.



Also wanted to find the best contribution for a price matrix. I want certain customers to be allowed different price points than others.

If anybody could help that'd be great.



For the titles and excel, use Header Tags SEO and Easy Populate. Easy Populate has built-in code to work with Header Tags SEO.


For the prices, there's no one contribution that will allow you to do that. You could use Separate Pricing and Quantity Price Breaks, or maybe MSRP. But I wouldn't suggest installing Separate Pricing unless you absolutely need it. It is a fine contribution and works well but it is very difficult to manage from a coding point-of-view. For a pricing change like you describe, it would be better to add a field to the customers database and use that to show different pricing.

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For excel, I'd suggest you powerful software, but I don't allowed to promote it on this forum (just look at my signature :))


For titles, agree with Jack. Header Tags SEO is good.


Also I must admin, that se optimized titles are not enough for se ranking. Generate quality backlinks with proper keywords and the result won't keep you waiting ;)


I recently finished a shop with 10k plus products.


There is a contribution called easy populate which allows you to use csv files to import and export your data. However, IMO that is still tedious. The contribution leaves me wanting more.


Personally, dealing with several stores myself, I'd recommend looking into Magnetic One Store Manager (sorry can't link it). The interface provides a direct link to your database and much more friendly GUI. As well as a crap ton of other cool stuff.


Absolutely follow Jack_mcs's advice on the header tags, while looking into some store management software because the amount of products you're dealing with certainly warrants the investment.


Lastly, there is an add-on for different prices per customer its call Separate Price Per Customer or SPPC, it is very well supported and one of the more popular add-ons.


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