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Increasing Website Traffic


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We have recently created an OS Commerce webshop and done some basic template editing and included several plugins.

the site is now live and we are taking some orders! thumbsup.gif


Only problem is that there are not many people on the site.

I have tried various SEO plug-ins including Header Tags SEO and Google XML SEO as well as updating the list of products through Google base. there are still few people on the site and only a handful of orders. Our prices are excellent and shipping reasonable - just don't understand it.


Has anyone else had this issue and managed to overcome it?

Are there any other good Plug-ins I should be using?


The site is CustomPowerTools


Any suggestions would be most welcome!





Its not all about SEO, that just pulls the clients in you need to have a good store to go with it, im not saying your is not good!! I have not looked at it, but to do that and then expect 1000's of sales right away is naive.


It takes time, months usually to get anything in the rankings.

You could try Google base this is an excellent addon, also something like Piwik or Google analytics to study trends and bounce rates on your site.


You can also try out different style to see if customers prefer on over the other.


Its a long list of trying, but im sure it will get there in the end.

Lots of companies will offer you top 10 rankings in a month for lots of cash but they cant sustain this, Google no longer use key words either.


Have a look around the forum for help on SEO, Jack MSC is a bit of an expert in this field and im sure he will have some great advice for you, he used to also give a free critique on your sites SEO 


Good Luck





Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes the lamp post


My Contributions


Hi Nic,


Thank you for your quick response!


I understand that it takes time to get up the rankings and increse sales. At the moment I'm looking to try and increase the number of people on the site and hopefully the sales will follow smile.gif


I have setup google analytics, google base and some of the SEO plugins and the site has been running for a couple of months but still have few people visiting.


Am I correct in that you have suggested changing/tweaking the layouts to see if they help the conversion rate?

What about link building - some sites suggest that this will work while others dismiss it as a frustrating and costly waste of time.

Is there anything else that we could try?





You have no meta tags:


<meta name="keywords" content="Blah blah blah">

<meta name="description" content="More nlah blah blah">


There are contributions for this. I can't say which is best.


And don't look now but your site is hacked.



If you look at the HTML source of your index page in Google cache there are about 2500 invisible spam links at the end of the source.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

- Me -


"Headers already sent" - The definitive help


"Cannot redeclare ..." - How to find/fix it


SSL Implementation Help


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A couple of months is not enough to expect much from google organic search as they dislike new sites. If its traffic you're after then you could try google adwords but read up a bit to make sure you spend your budget wisely!


Quick glance at your site tells me its basic but if the prices are good then perhaps your audience may not mind. One thing I noticed immediately was your lack of easy contact information. I automatically look at the contact us page to see if I trust a site and yours is blank and people like to know who they are dealing with. I only accidentally spotted it in the index page as I was closing the page so do yourself a favour and add it to the contact us page which is logical :D


You need keyword research and internal se optimization:

1. Create a list of keywords (related to your site) and check its popularity in some keyword statistics tool;

2. Fill Title and Description with proper keywords from your list;

3. Make some changes in your html (add <h1>...<h3>, <p> tags)

4. Add se-optimized text to your product pages


Also, seo-urls are not enough to get more se traffic. You definately need quality backlinks (with proper anchors) from related websites.


Generally, you need seo expert who will create seo strategy for your web store.

  • 2 weeks later...

You have no meta tags:




There are contributions for this. I can't say which is best.


And don't look now but your site is hacked.



If you look at the HTML source of your index page in Google cache there are about 2500 invisible spam links at the end of the source.



Hi Jim,

Thank you for pointing this out.

I'l trying to work out how to remove the links but the don't exist when you access the page normally.

Also the links appear to have inserted themselves at the bottom of the page in a place where there are no files called?! Any ideas how I could track this down and get rid of them?




This link will be helpful:


How to Secure Your Site


Your admin isn't renamed or protected by a .htaccess file. My guess is they got in that way (discussed in the first post in the above thread).


Person with similar problem here. Although her site is still breached (as I pointed out today).


The hack code is probably at the end of the files and probably looks similar to the hack code discusssed here. You wont find the spam links as they appear in google. The hackers do it with obfuscated PHP code.


And it's not just on the index page. Your products_new cache in google also has the spam so my bet is every PHP file in your site might be compromised.


You'll should check them all.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

- Me -


"Headers already sent" - The definitive help


"Cannot redeclare ..." - How to find/fix it


SSL Implementation Help


Like this post? "Like" it again over there >


If you have addded several of Jack mcs contributions to help with on site SEO, you must also concentrate on off site seo. What are you doing to tell people your site is there. Are there other links to your site, and do they come from releated sites to yours. There is more to SEO that on site.


Two months is a very short time to expect to be getting lots of sales and visitors. If i was you, i would spend time looking at your competitors sites, and try and find something that would give you a USP. Then push that. Your site is very basic, but that does not mean that it is not good.


  • 1 month later...



How are things going with your site? I was doing a search on a similar topic and ran across this thread.




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