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The e-commerce.

Recent Search Visitors Addon?


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Does a system exist that adds the page's most recent search traffic to a tags menu?


i.e. Every website gets long tail search traffic, generally from search phrases that do not exist on page. For instance, if a webpage were about “blue widgets” you might appear in the search results for a search like “buy blue widgets in san francisco“. What this plugin does is, in realtime detects the query string that people are clicking through to your website from any search engine, and includes it on the page in the style of a tag cloud, exactly as it was searched for.




So... does something like this exist for osCommerce?


No no.. not on the backend.



What this plugin does is, in realtime detects the query string that people are clicking through to your website from any search engine, and includes it on the page in the style of a tag cloud, exactly as it was searched for.


No no.. not on the backend.



What this plugin does is, in realtime detects the query string that people are clicking through to your website from any search engine, and includes it on the page in the style of a tag cloud, exactly as it was searched for.



have you tried any of these?



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