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Which files to i change?


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Hi i am installing a os commerce template onto my server however my server does not allow 777 permissions which files do i change to a compatible file permission number

thanks for helping




Use your server cpanel or chmod to change the permissions. Some installations require you to temporarily change directories to 777 but you may want to try 775 or 755 if your server refuses to go to 777





You NEVER, NEVER, NEVER change permissions to 777 until you have established that your system is unable to upload or write files with directory permissions 755 (and then 775). Read http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=327395&view=findpost&p=1443272 and http://www.catskilltech.com/freeSW/SMF/faqs > Proper Permissions. And you change only those directories or files that actually need to be written to by osC, not all of them.


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