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Mutlpe Language Translation


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***Skip to the end for my query***


My store sells worldwide, I currently have 20 languages installed (English and 19 others) but I'm getting customers from other countries buying and I would like them to be able to use their own language.


Problems I have and foresee:


twenty flags take up a lot of room let alone the additional ones that will be needed


Producing one listing in 20 languages takes hours, to increase languages by 50% may take days


The translations would be done in Google - and so would not be perfect.


*** ***



There are a couple of contributions that do an auto-translate but these use the old Google translate which completely screws up the page on a right to left written language (plus you still have the flag problem.


I installed the new Google script

<div id="google_translate_element"></div><script>
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
 new google.translate.TranslateElement({
   pageLanguage: 'en'
 }, 'google_translate_element');
</script><script src="http://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"></script>

in place of

 <?php require(DIR_WS_BOXES .'header_languages.php'); ?> 

I now get the new Google dropdown menu which works for me on testing (also says translation by Google so I don't get the blame for bad translations!)


Queries are:


Has anyone else done this and found it successful or problematic?


Is there any reason why it shouldn't be done?


I have listings in 19 other (soon to be redundant - possibly) languages that are archived in search engines, how can I make sure that these are not wasted - that is how do I get the, say French version of a item to point at the English version



Sorry for the long post :'(

My store is currently running Phoenix

I'm currently working on and hope to get it live before arrives (maybe 🙄 )

I used to have a list of add-ons here but I've found that with the ones that supporters of Phoenix get any other add-ons are not really neccessary


Google is awful way to translate, the best way is to install additional oscommerce languages.

Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

8 people out of 10 don't bother to read installation manuals. I can recommend: if you can't read the installation manual, don't bother to install any contribution yourself.

Before installing contribution or editing/updating/deleting any files, do the full backup, it will save to you & everyone here on the forum time to fix your issues.

Any issues with oscommerce, I am here to help you.


Don't display the flags, just use the pull down menu.






I used google translate for a period of time myself.


The problem I had (granted this was like 3 years ago) was that the google feed for translation produces a warning in the HTTPS section. Since google is feeding data from a third party there was no way to cover it in HTTPS.


Google is awful way to translate, the best way is to install additional oscommerce languages.



Agreed BUT...




As I said listing and updating in more than 3 or 4 extra language is a horrendous task, in a perfect world that is the way I would choose, unfortunately... :(

My store is currently running Phoenix

I'm currently working on and hope to get it live before arrives (maybe 🙄 )

I used to have a list of add-ons here but I've found that with the ones that supporters of Phoenix get any other add-ons are not really neccessary


I used google translate for a period of time myself.


The problem I had (granted this was like 3 years ago) was that the google feed for translation produces a warning in the HTTPS section. Since google is feeding data from a third party there was no way to cover it in HTTPS.



Good point although I think google has now got secure translation but I cant test it until I put it on my live store :'(

My store is currently running Phoenix

I'm currently working on and hope to get it live before arrives (maybe 🙄 )

I used to have a list of add-ons here but I've found that with the ones that supporters of Phoenix get any other add-ons are not really neccessary


Just done a test translating a https page on my store using google translate and they do a secure translation


From Google:

Note: When you translate a page, Toolbar sends the text of the page you're on to Google's translation service and displays the translated text without reloading the page. For normal webpages, Google may log a small portion of the text for translation quality purposes but not in a way that is associated with your Google Account. The contents of secure pages, intranet pages, and local files are submitted and translated using a secure connection, and Google will not log any of the text.



It did not throw a warning up on my store

My store is currently running Phoenix

I'm currently working on and hope to get it live before arrives (maybe 🙄 )

I used to have a list of add-ons here but I've found that with the ones that supporters of Phoenix get any other add-ons are not really neccessary


I have listings in 19 other (soon to be redundant - possibly) languages that are archived in search engines, how can I make sure that these are not wasted - that is how do I get the, say French version of a item to point at the English version


Maybe something like this


Forces the whole site to be English without removing any languages.


Not sure if that's what you're after, but thought I'd throw it out there.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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