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Tax Issue in shipping


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Hi all,


I have noticed that when some one buy form tax zone the tax value include also include in shipping address . for example if i have 6 % tax and shipping cost is $10/ the total shipping cost come out is $10.60.. which is wrong , is any one know solution please let me know.





Check the configuration for your shipping module. It should allow you to specify a Tax Class. Select "--none--" to indicate that tax should not be applied to the shipping charge.

Check out Chad's News.


Check the configuration for your shipping module. It should allow you to specify a Tax Class. Select "--none--" to indicate that tax should not be applied to the shipping charge.


Of course, you have checked with your state tax website that Shipping and Handling charges are not taxable in your state? In many states, they are subject to sales tax, which is probably why it's defaulting that way.


Hi guys,

Sorry again disturbed you , I have notice there some wrong with calculations.Tax calculation on Product and shipping is showing in Total tax amount but Total amount is wrong , means 6% tax on shipping calculate two times. Please look attached file fore batter understanding.



Yeah this is the same issue my client had. Do you have it all the time or was it just this once? cause I think it was just a oncer for my client, and none of my other shops have reported this error.


No Denz

N one give me solution of this problem , its not once when every person purchase from tax pay stats they got this error , pay extra all time.


I am not sure from where it get extra why calculate shipping tax two times. where this function exist i am unable to fine location . I am still wondering someone help me ...


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