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OSC 2.2M1 'Offical' Authorize.net settings?


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I figured this is the most popular configuration of the cart, I think authorize.net is the most popular CC processor.... anyone want to make a definitve post on how to set it up?


I've tried the settings in the previous posts, from the setting the reciept and relay pages, getting the trans key, and checking if any required feilds are set...


I might just be missing step overlooked by others... but I still get the "There has been an error processing your credit card. Please try again." msg.

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I've tried everything in the other posts, including making the time zones match, I've tried it with and without passwords, I have no required fields checked ugh... help, I tried using the 'live chat' with authorize, that was joke...


The current host I am using doesn't have curl listed in the phpinfo() I ran, could this be it?

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I'm in the middle of this too but it seems to be working. I downloaded the contribution Authorizenet_ADC_Direct_Connection.zip and installed it. I put in the password in the code and the login using the admin tool. Logged into the authorize site (mine is Wells Fargo) and ensured that it was the direct connection setup. Finally, you do need curl, (try "which curl" at the command prompt) If you can't find it, build a version with ssl support and put it in your own bin directory outside the public html path. (That was the hard part). From there, it connected up just fine. Make sure the curl path is correct in authorizenet_direct.php.


Main issue next was that it doesn't give you much feedback so I echoed the url out and the response in, in authorizenet_direct.php. Got the string back just fine. Only new issue is that it swallows the CC so it doesn't end up in the DB (that's a good thing probably) but I don't get the authorization code saved, which I'm trying to do now. Well, that's what I can tell ya, hope it helps.

Joe Geer

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help, I tried using the 'live chat' with authorize, that was joke...


Like any other customer service... it depends on who you get... I got my answer from them, but it was on the second try... the first time I was told to check with my provider that the module was installed correctly!


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