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The e-commerce.

Merging two shopping carts into one?


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I've got two osCommerce shopping carts (A & B). I'm trying to migrate all the products from A onto B, then take down cart A. I don't want to lose what's on cart B right now and I don't want to have settings change either. Is this at all possible? and if it is would you be patient enough to walk me through it or point me in the right direction of a walkthrough?


There are add-ons available for import of products and categories from a CSV or XLS file. You also have to FTP the images to wherever your import file says they will be.


Images I'm not really too worried about, as most need to be resized for the new OsCommerce layout anyway, but that's not a big deal.

Do you know the name of some of the add-ons or how they would work?


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