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Anyone successful embedding Flash in product


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I added the "Flash images in product_info for a select product" in to the product_info.php as instructed. However, the file says to "replace 58 for the id of the product you need your flash movie to display". I cannot find any where an ID for any product, unless it means "Product name" or "Product model", both of which I've tried without success.


Has anyone has any success adding Flash instead of an image, to your individual products and if so, what ID did you use and where is it stored? For example, in the Admin panel, is "Product name:" the product ID?


my attempts result in the image size OK, but no image, just the red x in a small box.




Will split atoms in exchange for ride back to home planet.


You can get this info from your Database, or in the URL if you are not using a manipulation tool like SEO addons

I.E http://www.website.n...p?products_id=1 where products_id=1 this is what you are after



Thank you very much for that help FIMBLE. I was able to find the IDs thanks to you.


Unfortunately, even with the correct ID, SWF won't show up.


Judging from my question, and the lack of positive replies, looks like no one reading this was successful either. Oh well, was worth the effort. I hope someone can create a easy method of adding Flash instead of static of using just images.


I thank you again.



Will split atoms in exchange for ride back to home planet.


define main page add on can do this for you, i just tested it to make sure, and it added it fine






Sorry to sound dumb, but is 'define main page' an add-on? I can't find "define main page" via a search. And to be speciofic, I am trying to replace images in the product info. But not all, just one product - the rest have static images.

Will split atoms in exchange for ride back to home planet.


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