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Email Issue


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I can't seem to figure out how to get my site to use the email system. I have tried to send an inquiry through the site, but it never is received. I have tried both configs of sendmail and smtp and neither one seems to allow it to work. I am using an email account setup through free hostia. An email sent directly works fine, so I know it's capable and I suspect the issue lies within osCommerce, though where or why I know not. Can anyone help? Thanks.


What do you have for your e-mail address? This should be found in your admin under My Store. This should link to [email protected]. Also your hosting company must allow an e-mail server to run on their machines. Your email from should be something like [email protected] with [email protected] as your secondary e-mail. You set this in send extra orders to in the my store section of the admin. Personally I have Hostgator as my host, and sendmail, lf, true, true , true set in e-mail options. hope this helps. :thumbsup:

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you will normally need to set the "send email from" part to a domain email not a 3rd party one.

if your sit is myweb.com then the send from mail should also be an email assigned to myweb.com like [email protected] etc...


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you will normally need to set the "send email from" part to a domain email not a 3rd party one.

if your sit is myweb.com then the send from mail should also be an email assigned to myweb.com like [email protected] etc...



Thanks, I finally got it working so thanks for all the help.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having the same issue. I've set up an admin account via my host with my domain and that sends email just fine. In osC, I have my email address and email from both set to the admin account -- [email protected]. I've tried the "Email Transport Method" as both SMTP and SendMail and neither will send any email. I also have the flag "Send Emails" set to "True".




I'm having the same issue. I've set up an admin account via my host with my domain and that sends email just fine. In osC, I have my email address and email from both set to the admin account -- [email protected]. I've tried the "Email Transport Method" as both SMTP and SendMail and neither will send any email. I also have the flag "Send Emails" set to "True".





I have quite the same problem!!! Can anyone help us???

  • 3 weeks later...

I can't seem to figure out how to get my site to use the email system. I have tried to send an inquiry through the site, but it never is received. I have tried both configs of sendmail and smtp and neither one seems to allow it to work. I am using an email account setup through free hostia. An email sent directly works fine, so I know it's capable and I suspect the issue lies within osCommerce, though where or why I know not. Can anyone help? Thanks.


Resolution to your problem can be found http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/361601-sendmail-and-the-5th-f-parameter/page__gopid__1520863entry1520863

Heppiness Web Design - Web Design Bolton


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