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Contrib Idea: Products as Attributes


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I am looking for a contribution whereby I can select a product in the database as the first attribute of an existing product, then select more products from my database as additional modifiers.


Here is the scenario:


Let's say I have 'Product A'. I want to assign 'Product B' as a base attribute selection to 'Product A' without a price modifier. Then I'd like to continue to add say, 'Product C' and 'Product D' as additional attributes to the original 'Product A', but they should affect the price modifiers in relation to 'Product B'.




Product A - Fruit Basket (includes an apple) $20 (currently viewed in product_info.php)

Attributes Selection:

Product B - Apple (priced $4 in store) - Attribute Price modifier ()(none) (assigned as the base zero modifier)

Product C - Orange (priced $6 in store) - Attribute Price modifier (+)($2) (in relation to the base attribute)

Product D - Grapes (priced $8 in store) - Attribute Price modifier (+)($4) (in relation to the base attribute)


I hope you understand the gist of it, is there something like this out there? Would it be possible to code?


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