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orders.php 505 server error


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On my site, admin/orders.php throws a 500 Internal Server error. ALL other pages work just fine (in the store AND the Admin section). Orders.php is the only problem.


  • I've renamed .htaccess to see if that was the problem. SAME
  • There is no whitespace before <?php or after ?>. SAME
  • I overwrote orders.php from another osCommerce site I have running. SAME
  • I overwrote the entire admin directory from another osCommerce site I have running and reconfigured admin/includes/configure.php. SAME
  • Register Globals are on. Disabling Register Globals generates another error (Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration...). SAME
  • I don't see anything in the server log pertaining to this site.


Every other page works just fine EXCEPT orders.php. Am I missing anything? Is there something else I can do?


http://www.catskilltech.com/freeSW/SMF/faqs > 500 (Internal Server) Errors


* does your .htaccess do anything specifically with orders.php, as opposed to all files?

* no blank or empty lines before the first <?php or after the last ?> ? Is that what you meant by "no whitespace"?

* was orders.php uploaded from a PC at any point? If so, in ASCII mode? Check that you can list the file on your server and it looks like the lines are shown correctly (compare to other files).

* check the permissions on orders.php, as compared to other PHP files. Some FTP clients unexpectedly set bad permissions (e.g., 777).


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