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Need Email address in Order confirmation


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Hi everyone.. Oscommerce is great.....after a lot of searching and testing I finally have my site up...


I have a few quick questions.. any help would be greatly appreciated.


Is there a way that I can have the email address show up in the order confirmation sent to me.. It would make it much easier than having to go to admin and check everytime there is an order.


Also is there any way to add or adjust the text shown in the checkout_payment.php.


Right now it reads under Payment Method


"Please select the preferred payment method to use on this order."


I want to add a few lines after that.




Edit checkout_process.php

// send emails to other people


// WebMakers.com Added: Wholesaler - Include Order # in subject

// Add additional info to top of email


// WebMakers.com Added: Wholesaler - Modify Email for easier reading.

   $email_order= $order->customer['firstname'] . ' ' . $order->customer['lastname'] . "n" . 'Telephone: ' . $order->customer['telephone'] . "n" . $order->customer['email_address'] . "nn" . $email_order;

   tep_mail('', SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO, 'NEW - ' . EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT . ' #' . $insert_id, nl2br($email_order), STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, '');



Thank you very much Linda.. It works great.....


Do you happen to know the answer to my other question?


Also is there any way to add or adjust the text shown in the checkout_payment.php.


Right now it reads under Payment Method


"Please select the preferred payment method to use on this order."


I want to add a few lines after that.


Try looking at


MODULE: Includeslanguagesenglishcheckout_payment.php


Line 23: We have changed it to


define('TEXT_SELECT_PAYMENT_METHOD', 'Please select preferred method. Please use PayPal for non-UK Credit Cards');


Just remember to put your comments within the ' '

Citizen of US Minor Outlying Islands

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Linda,


Thanks, this makes life easier.


Do I need to edit a different file for PayPal orders though? As email and tel number show up on check & credit card orders but on a PayPal order they don't.


Thanks again.

  • 2 years later...
  • 9 months later...


i have some problem with the formatting email..

i receive this


OmeuNuke ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Id Produto: 52 (Bitte bei Zahlungen und Anfragen stets angeben) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailierte Bestell?bersicht: http://www.xxxxxxxx/account_histo...php?order_id=52 Data do pedido: domingo 03 dezembro, 2006 Artikel ------------------------------------------------------ 1 x There's Something About Mary (DVD-TSAB) = R$ 49.99 ------------------------------------------------------ Subtotal: R$ 49.99 Entrega Normal Pelos Correios (Prazo de entrega dos Correios é de 7 a 15 dias úteis para Sao Paulo ): R$ 8.00 Total: R$ 57.99 Endereço de cobrança ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- asdfasdf 12 asdfasdfasdf 123456123456 sao paulo, 22741970 SP, Brasil Lieferung ------------------------------------------------------ asdfasdf 12 asdfasdfasdf 123456123456 sao paulo, 22741970 SP, Brasil Zahlungsweise ------------------------------------------------------ Pagamento a Contra Entrega ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- telephone Endereço email


is possible to receive in this mode?



customer firstname lastname

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- full address



email address


product buyed


link to invoice or some other


payment form




any help is apreciate many tnx


I am having the same problem but the mail send out to the Admin is in good form and everything is spaced out correctly but the customers order process is all mushed together with no breaks. What is the php file that you can edit this with. Is it email.php?


Any insight would be much appreciated! Thanks guys!

  • 3 months later...

Same problem here. Please help!



i have some problem with the formatting email..

i receive this




is possible to receive in this mode?

customer firstname lastname

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- full address



email address


product buyed


link to invoice or some other


payment form




any help is apreciate many tnx


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