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Visitor Web Stats Module "Accept-Language" SQL Injection


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Christopher Schramm has discovered a vulnerability in the Visitor

Web Stats module for osCommerce, which can be exploited by malicious

people to conduct SQL injection attacks.


Input passed via the "Accept-Language" HTTP header to index.php is

not properly sanitised before being used in SQL queries in

includes/visitors_count.php. This can be exploited to manipulate SQL

queries by injecting arbitrary SQL code.


The vulnerability is confirmed in version 3.2.1. Other versions may

also be affected.



Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly sanitised (sic).



Has anyone done the necessary editing? Care to share the code?

  • 3 months later...

Bug can be fixed by sanitizing the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE variable


Modify includes/visitors_count.php


Look for :


$b_lang = getenv('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE');


then create a function to sanitize the b_lang value against SQL Injection (such forbidding values, keywords) and on on...;


You have many scripts available to sanitize against SQL Injection on the web.


Such as this one:



Function: sql_sanitize( $sCode )
Description: "Sanitize" a string of SQL code to prevent SQL injection.
Parameters: $sCode: The SQL code which you wish to sanitize.
Example: mysql_query('UPDATE table SET value="' . sql_sanitize("' SET id='4'") . '" WHERE id="1"');
Requirements: PHP version 4 or greater
function sql_sanitize( $sCode ) {
if ( function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string" ) ) { // If PHP version > 4.3.0
	$sCode = mysql_real_escape_string( $sCode ); // Escape the MySQL string.
} else { // If PHP version < 4.3.0
	$sCode = addslashes( $sCode ); // Precede sensitive characters with a slash \
return $sCode; // Return the sanitized code


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