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The e-commerce.

Remove logo from product pop up?


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Ive looked everywhere for this and can't seem to find it anywhere.


I want to remove the oscommerce logo from the popup when you "click to enlarge" a product image. I don't want to add another contribution or anything really extensive, I just can't find the code to get the logo off and/or change it Ive looked in popup_mage.php in various places but nothing i do there in admin panel or from my server seems to get it off.


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Hi, a standard OSC install does not have an image in the pop up box other than the product image. If you are using a purchased template then you should contact the template creator for support.






Remove any line with some codes like


echo tep_image(...);


<?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products['products_image'], $products['products_name']); ?>




<img .....>


backup your file at first!

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Tank, If he removes that code, then not even the product image will show.



Perhaps you can post the URL so we can see where the image is coming from ?






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