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I have just installed the latest version of one page checkout. I am running oscommerce 2.2, with Meritus xp payment module. The install seems to have mostly worked except when it comes to entering the cc info. There are no input boxes for cc info and I get this error on the one page checkout:



Warning: str_repeat() [function.str-repeat]: Second argument has to be greater than or equal to 0 in /home/xxxxx/public_html/catalog/includes/modules/payment/aa_paymentxp.php on line 179


Meritus PaymentXP


Credit Card Owner:

Credit Card Number:

CVV2 (3-digit # on back)

Credit Card Expiration Date: December, 2019



line 172-186 are as follows:



function confirmation() {



$confirmation = array('title' => $this->title . ': ' . $this->cc_card_type,

'fields' => array(array('title' => MODULE_PAYMENT_AA_PAYMENTXP_TEXT_CREDIT_CARD_OWNER,

'field' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['AA_PAYMENTXP_cc_owner_firstname'] . ' ' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['AA_PAYMENTXP_cc_owner_lastname']),


'field' => substr($this->cc_card_number, 0, 4) . str_repeat('X', (strlen($this->cc_card_number) - 8)) . substr($this->cc_card_number, -4)),


'field' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['AA_PAYMENTXP_cvv2']),


'field' => strftime('%B, %Y', mktime(0,0,0,$HTTP_POST_VARS['AA_PAYMENTXP_cc_expires_month'], 1, '20' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['AA_PAYMENTXP_cc_expires_year'])))));


return $confirmation;





LINE 179 is:


'field' => substr($this->cc_card_number, 0, 4) . str_repeat('X', (strlen($this->cc_card_number) - 8)) . substr($this->cc_card_number, -4)),


Can anybody offer any help?

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