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compare and merge two oscommerce database


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Hi, to all :)


I wanted to ask if there is a way to solve this problem.


We have a oscommerce site with 100 items, recently, one of our wholesalers said that he may provide to us

a monthly database update with about 15,000 items.


The problem is there a way to compare and merge the 2 databases?




Hi, to all :)


I wanted to ask if there is a way to solve this problem.


We have a oscommerce site with 100 items, recently, one of our wholesalers said that he may provide to us

a monthly database update with about 15,000 items.


The problem is there a way to compare and merge the 2 databases?





Use this Winmerge




If the wholesaler is providing the information in excel or CSV formats, you can install easy populate (search the add on section for the version best suited for your needs). Or you could use the vendor feeds http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7224






If the part number provided on the new feed is the same as you use on your site EP will do the trick.


If they are not I'd make your parts inactive and use the manufacturers product info


There are also add-ons to collect csv feed files from your manufacturer's ftp server and others to get xml. THey also have the facility to uplift the cost price passed to you so you can make a margin.





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Hello thanks for the suggestion basically once I get the sql from the wholesaler I run a script that changes all the prices.


I was just wondering if there is some way to update the sql and exclude certain oscommerce product categories from the update.


Thanks again :)


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