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Uploaded logo not showing


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Hello everyone,

I've installed a template on my website, which is still not operational; and I'm trying to modify the logo...

I've created a logo on Photoshop, and saved as a PNG file, with the same name as the logo.png which is in the /images/ folder in my website directory.

I've renamed the original logo.png as logo_old.png, and uploaded the new logo.png

The header.php should notice no difference in the two files, correct? I've noticed on previous posts that you can use larger logos if you want, and the program should handle them without problems... But when I reload my page, it only shows the damn red cross in the box :angry:

I've changed the permission to 777 (maybe that was the problem)... but it didn't work...

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help




Digging a bit further, I think the problem is down to my PNG files... It looks like they're not recognized by osCommerce! If I right-click on the "new" logo in my site, it says it's a not known file type...

But I've saved it as normal PNG...

Did it happend to anyone else?




The store doesn't "recognize" anything.


That job belongs to your browser.


Read the post I linked to.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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