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Automatic Trigger Email Campaigns with MailBeez Modules


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Any news on STS support?


Will the module work automaticly when STS is enabled?


hej torben,


have a look at message #147 in this forum:



Would be great if you could try & test the module-approach there, otherwise you can try the hack in #146


let me know if it works



hilsener fra kbh

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This is a great contribution, Thanx.

However, is it possible to send emails in other languages instead of one language?

Supposing if I have the email templates in French & have custommers in other countries, when they recieve the reminder they would not understand!

so it would be great if mailbeez could support multilingual templates.


Thanx again.

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This is a great contribution, Thanx.

However, is it possible to send emails in other languages instead of one language?

Supposing if I have the email templates in French & have custommers in other countries, when they recieve the reminder they would not understand!

so it would be great if mailbeez could support multilingual templates.


Thanx again.

hi michael,


yes, am working on getting multilanguage support in place.




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hi michael,


yes, am working on getting multilanguage support in place.





That´s great news! If this comes to pass, I personally believe MailBeez will outbeat all other contributions. :thumbsup:



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hej torben,


have a look at message #147 in this forum:



Would be great if you could try & test the module-approach there, otherwise you can try the hack in #146


let me know if it works



hilsener fra kbh




Message #147 in this thread? The link you posted is not valid.

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MailBeez V1.5 is easy to install & upgrade and works fine (spent a lot of time testing this and making it easy).



If you are having issues with MailBeez V1.5 after upgrading, please check the following:


It is a good idea to note your personal settings per module and backup your files. The update affects only MailBeez-Files - and the database_tables.php files in admin and catalog.


You REALLY need to uninstall all modules (incl. Mailhive - the first one) with the "remove" button on each module.

(or run

DELETE FROM  `configuration` WHERE  `configuration_key` LIKE  'MAILBEEZ_%'

in you phpMyAdmin to remove all MailBeez settings - tracking-data will be not affected as they are in their own table)



You REALLY need to copy all new files and folders to your system.


There has been major changes and a manual file-by-file update would be to complex. make sure to back-up your .tpl-files of the Birthday-Module (the only module where you would like to make changes included in the package) and your common html-template.


it is also possible to rename the mailhive-folder in e.g. mailhive_v1.x and than copy the new packages in your system.

You just need to copy or move your existing mailbeez-modules into the actual mailhive-folder.


Remember to update your catalog/mailhive.php file and catalog/admin/mailbeez.php as well.


Remember to register the new table in your admin/includes/database_tables.php and includes/database_tables.php:

define('TABLE_MAILBEEZ_BLOCK', 'mailbeez_block');


now you are ready to install MailBeez V1.5 - a new table "mailbeez_block" will be created.



After the update your "secret URL" has changed - you need to have the same "secret" in your mailbeez-system and your Cron-job url

  • Copy the "secret" from your Cron-URL into the MailBeez-configuration


  • Adopt the CronJob to use the new "secret" as generated by Mailbeez


If you still have trouble (?!), please use this support forum.





I am trying to update from Mailbeez 1.2 to Mailbeez v 1.7


I could't unistall mailhive module (I'm using Oscommerce) because there is not any "remove" button.

Then I opened phpmyadmin and made "DELETE FROM `configuration` WHERE `configuration_key` LIKE 'MAILBEEZ_%'" whith success


Then I changed the name of the folder mailhive to "mailhive_bak"

Then I copyed all files from mailbeez_v1.7.zip to my catalog folder. I overwrited all files.


Then I registered the new table in my admin/includes/database_tables.php and includes/database_tables.php:

as you told me


Now I went to mailbeez control panel and installed Mailhive with success. I shows MailHive - Basic Configuration V1.7

Now if I attempt to reinstall another module, i.e. Trustpilot buyers rating trigger, I have next error:

"This Module requires MailBeez Version 1.4 or higher. Please update MailBeez."


If I press the button "Check for Update..." it shows I have v. 1.2:

MailHive Framework 1.2 1.7


I tried to solve the probem several times without success.


Please help me.


Thank you very much

Edited by henryfabu
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I am trying to update from Mailbeez 1.2 to Mailbeez v 1.7


I could't unistall mailhive module (I'm using Oscommerce) because there is not any "remove" button.

Then I opened phpmyadmin and made "DELETE FROM `configuration` WHERE `configuration_key` LIKE 'MAILBEEZ_%'" whith success


Then I changed the name of the folder mailhive to "mailhive_bak"

Then I copyed all files from mailbeez_v1.7.zip to my catalog folder. I overwrited all files.


Then I registered the new table in my admin/includes/database_tables.php and includes/database_tables.php:

as you told me


Now I went to mailbeez control panel and installed Mailhive with success. I shows MailHive - Basic Configuration V1.7

Now if I attempt to reinstall another module, i.e. Trustpilot buyers rating trigger, I have next error:

"This Module requires MailBeez Version 1.4 or higher. Please update MailBeez."


If I press the button "Check for Update..." it shows I have v. 1.2:

MailHive Framework 1.2 1.7


I tried to solve the probem several times without success.


Please help me.


Thank you very much

hi henry,


I assume you couldn't find an uninstall/remove-button in the mailhive module since you havn't uninstalled all other modules first.


But like you did should work as well.


please check againg your config-table with phpMyAdmin (e.g. sort by configuration_id by clicking on the column-header) if there is any MAILBEEZ_xxx configuration data left (this is actually the only place where MailBeez stores this information).


Please also check if you have some kind of config-cache installed which has a cache of the old config data.



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hi henry,


I assume you couldn't find an uninstall/remove-button in the mailhive module since you havn't uninstalled all other modules first.


But like you did should work as well.


please check againg your config-table with phpMyAdmin (e.g. sort by configuration_id by clicking on the column-header) if there is any MAILBEEZ_xxx configuration data left (this is actually the only place where MailBeez stores this information).


Please also check if you have some kind of config-cache installed which has a cache of the old config data.





Just now I resolved the problem.

As you told me, there was a config-cache problem.

I could get mad without your help.


I think it could be helpful to other users to know how resolve this problem:


I had installed http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1862 (configuration_cache_1_2_3_4_5.zip)

Before reinstalling Mailbeez I deleted cache files files at my cache directory (defined when configuration cache contrib. was installed in admin/includes/filenames.php

Please, use a FTP client to delete these files.


Then I deleted all MAILBEEZ rows from your database configuration table (I used phpMyadmin to do that).

Then copy all Mailbeez files (overwriting old ones), and define new database as told in the installation instructions.


Now go to your store administration and install MailHive.


Everythig must work ok.


Now reactivate your configuation cache:


Go to Admin ~ Configuration ~ My Store, click the edit button, and click the update button. No changes need to be made we just need to execute the save process in order to generate the cache file.

Using SSH or an FTP client verify the cache file you specified in the filenames.php files exists (It must be recreated).

Edited by henryfabu
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Just now I resolved the problem.

As you told me, there was a config-cache problem.

I could get mad without your help.


I think it could be helpful to other users to know how resolve this problem:


I had installed http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1862 (configuration_cache_1_2_3_4_5.zip)

Before reinstalling Mailbeez I deleted cache files files at my cache directory (defined when configuration cache contrib. was installed in admin/includes/filenames.php

Please, use a FTP client to delete these files.


Then I deleted all MAILBEEZ rows from your database configuration table (I used phpMyadmin to do that).

Then copy all Mailbeez files (overwriting old ones), and define new database as told in the installation instructions.


Now go to your store administration and install MailHive.


Everythig must work ok.


Now reactivate your configuation cache:


Go to Admin ~ Configuration ~ My Store, click the edit button, and click the update button. No changes need to be made we just need to execute the save process in order to generate the cache file.

Using SSH or an FTP client verify the cache file you specified in the filenames.php files exists (It must be recreated).


good to know - I will try to build in a support for that cache-system. There are a number of different approaches out there and I need to support them as people are requestin.


thanks for finding this


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yes, it is in this thread




Don't see anything there?


Well, it seems to work when I disable STS, (it writes that all mails are sendt) but no mails are recieved, not at trustpilot, and not when sending testmails.

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Don't see anything there?


Well, it seems to work when I disable STS, (it writes that all mails are sendt) but no mails are recieved, not at trustpilot, and not when sending testmails.



search for "mailbeez sts" using the forum search and you will find the entries how to work with STS.


MailBeez is using the osCommerce email engine - please check the table MAILBEEZ_TRACK to see which emails should have been sent.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question about mailbeez messages charset. It seems that it not correctly put into headers the charset info. Possibly because of that I have a mess with displaying the html and text messages in different mail clients. Since I use utf-8 and cyrillic letters in my messages, in most cases the charset is not determined correctly, and I have something like this:


Уважаемый Игорь Бочаров,


instead of cyrillic letters. To display the message correctly I need to set the utf charset for the message manually in the mail client.

In the same time, the subject and form/to field are displayed correctly.


ps. Forgot to mention - the problem appears when the messages are sent by lynx.

the headers contain

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


If I send messages manually from firefox, everything is OK.

the headers contain

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


How can I change the charset directive for the headers of messages sent by mailbeez through lynx?

Edited by Leo2
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The contribution is very good! Congratulations!


I have some questions. My server allows you to send up to 100 emails every hour. Where can I set it to send a certain amount per packet instead of sending all emails at once? For example, set up to automatically send 99 emails per hour. Is it possible?


Another question is regarding setting charset = "xxxxx-x". Where can I configure this option?




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ps. Forgot to mention - the problem appears when the messages are sent by lynx.

the headers contain

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


If I send messages manually from firefox, everything is OK.

the headers contain

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


How can I change the charset directive for the headers of messages sent by mailbeez through lynx?


hi Leo,


MailBeez is utilizing the mailengine of osCommerce. So it does not really set any charset directly.


From what you write I would guess the localization of your firefox/lynx is influencing how osCommerce is sending emails.


Is there any way to configure lynx so it uses the same charset as you have configured in firefox?


You could also try to set the charset as Meta-Data in the html-main template of mailbeez, located in




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The contribution is very good! Congratulations!


I have some questions. My server allows you to send up to 100 emails every hour. Where can I set it to send a certain amount per packet instead of sending all emails at once? For example, set up to automatically send 99 emails per hour. Is it possible?


Another question is regarding setting charset = "xxxxx-x". Where can I configure this option?




hi fabio,


what you looking for is "throttling" which would allow to configure the throughput of emails generated by MailBeez.


It is top on the list of requested features on mailbeez com and am working on it (currently only in my head ;-) )



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From what you write I would guess the localization of your firefox/lynx is influencing how osCommerce is sending emails.

My hoster said that the localization on server by default is "locale en_US.UTF-8". I think that means that lynx takes charset settings from the english language file.


I will change in languages/english.php the locale to

@setlocale(LC_TIME, 'en_US.UTF-8');


(it was @setlocale(LC_TIME, 'en_US.ISO_8859-1'); ) - hope this will help


You could also try to set the charset as Meta-Data in the html-main template of mailbeez, located in 


I have the following there already:


<META HTTP-EQUIV="content-language" CONTENT="ru">

<META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">

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I will change in languages/english.php the locale to

@setlocale(LC_TIME, 'en_US.UTF-8');

Same result. I have the folowing in the headers


To: "=?utf-8?B?0JPQsNCy0YDQuNC70Y7QuiDQodC10YDQs9C10Lk=?=" <[email protected]>
Subject: =?utf-8?B?0JPQsNCy0YDQuNC70Y7QuiDQodC10YDQs9C10LkgLSDQvNGLINGF0L7RgtC40LwsINGH0YLQvtCx0Ysg0LLRiyDRgdGC0LDQu9C4INC90LDRiNC40Lwg0LrQu9C40LXQvdGC0L7QvA==?=
X-PHP-Script: www.solarhome.ru/catalog/mailhive.php for
From: "=?utf-8?B?0JLQsNGIINCh0L7Qu9C90LXRh9C90YvQuSDQlNC+0Lw=?=" <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: mailbeez.com
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


From and subject are encoded correctly, but the body is not. I changed english.php in /catalog/includes/.., I will change the language file in /admin section too, and see what will change.

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Hi all,


I am hoping someone will be able to help me with this problem. I have installed mailhive but everytime I try and view html emails in simulate mode the pop up displays browser error 'Firefox can't find the server at crystalspring.co.ukmailhive.php.'. The problem looks to be that the address needs a / in it so it would read crystalspring.co.uk/mailhive.php but how do I do that? I am a complete novice I'm afraid!


Thank you,


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Hi all,


I am hoping someone will be able to help me with this problem. I have installed mailhive but everytime I try and view html emails in simulate mode the pop up displays browser error 'Firefox can't find the server at crystalspring.co.ukmailhive.php.'. The problem looks to be that the address needs a / in it so it would read crystalspring.co.uk/mailhive.php but how do I do that? I am a complete novice I'm afraid!


Thank you,



hi tom


please check your admin/includes/configure.php


the constant DIR_WS_CATALOG must not be empty - with having the shop at the server root it should be set like this:


define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/');


probably something you didn't pay attention during installation


enjoy mailbeez


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I will change the language file in /admin section too, and see what will change.


This also didn't help. There is something strange - the message header charset is different from the html inside


Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

   <title>=D0=9D=D0=B8=D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=BB=D0=B0=D0=B9 =D0=9F=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=
=BA=D0=BE=D1=84=D1=8C=D0=B5=D0=B2, =D0=92=D1=8B =D0=B4=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=BD=D0=
=BE =D1=83 =D0=BD=D0=B0=D1=81 =D0=BD=D0=B5 =D0=B1=D1=8B=D0=BB=D0=B8, =D0=B8=
=D0=BD=D0=B0=D0=BC =D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=81 =D0=BD=D0=B5 =D1=85=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=
=82=D0=B0=D0=B5=D1=82 </title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"content-language" CONTENT=3D"ru">
<META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"content-type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8">


Where the script takes this iso-8859-1 from? My language files are all with utf-8.

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Hi Cord...just wanted to congratulate you on doing such a good job with the update process. I was dreading updating from an earlier version and once I got around to looking at it, it was really quite easy. I was also able to figure out how to get a cron job to run thanks to your explanation in the install documentation. That's something I've never been able to figure out before. Thank you for a job well done...dan

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Hi Cord...just wanted to congratulate you on doing such a good job with the update process. I was dreading updating from an earlier version and once I got around to looking at it, it was really quite easy. I was also able to figure out how to get a cron job to run thanks to your explanation in the install documentation. That's something I've never been able to figure out before. Thank you for a job well done...dan


hi Dan,


thanks a lot! Let me know if there is anything I can support you with, like optimizing your follow-up campaigns.




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