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Automatic Trigger Email Campaigns with MailBeez Modules


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First of all, thanks for this great contribution.


On the first post you mentioned a Payment Reminder module, but I can't to seem to find it. Is it available or is it still on development?






Hi floyd,


A payment reminder is under dev. My first post was just a list of ideas.


What would you expect from a payment reminder?


Holiday greetings


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Hi ricardodacosta,


Ceebox does show blank when the content is gzip compressed (took me a couple hours to figure out...)


Check if your storefront where mailhive.php is located uses gzip - I tried to override the gzip compression setting in the code but you might have a different setting.


Holiday greetings




I do have Gzip enable under Configurations with a Level 5. I turn it off just to try but that didn't help...I am not able to see the content as a popup. I did notice that if I click on the button that says "check for update" that content does show up or if I opened any of the links on a different window, it shows up also.


Any other suggestions?





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I do have Gzip enable under Configurations with a Level 5. I turn it off just to try but that didn't help...I am not able to see the content as a popup. I did notice that if I click on the button that says "check for update" that content does show up or if I opened any of the links on a different window, it shows up also.


Any other suggestions?






Sounds like MailBeez is running correctly except the ceebox popups.


The content of the update-check is coming from www.mailbeez.com, the content of the other ceebox-popups from http://yourserver/mailhive.php


Try to tripple-check if your server is using http gzip compression - can't currently think of another reason...


Please keep me up-to-date if you find out what is wrong. I will probably need to build in an alternative to the nice ceebox-popups...



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Hello - I have just installed this plugin for zen-cart and I am getting the same problem (blank page).

I have gzip disabled and have checked it using a website which says it is not running. (http://www.whatsmyip.org/http_compression/)


I had a few problems following the install instructions :-

Instructions say "includes/extra_boxes/mailbeez_tools_dhtml.php" However its in folder "includes/boxes/extra_boxes/mailbeez_tools_dhtml.php" Where should this file be placed?







Hello, thank you for such wonderful idea/addon


I had no problem installing it and added all the modules so far released. However if I click on "View Mail (Html or Text" a popup shows blank.


Any ideas why this may be happening?





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Hello - I have just installed this plugin for zen-cart and I am getting the same problem (blank page).

I have gzip disabled and have checked it using a website which says it is not running. (http://www.whatsmyip.org/http_compression/)


I had a few problems following the install instructions :-

Instructions say "includes/extra_boxes/mailbeez_tools_dhtml.php" However its in folder "includes/boxes/extra_boxes/mailbeez_tools_dhtml.php" Where should this file be placed?




Hi Tim & ricardo,


I can't replicate the problem since in my environments everything works, hope we can figure it out together. Am on holidays until start of august, but maybe we can locate the reason.


The ceebox popup is using dhtml/Ajax - the issue must somewhere be related to this.


What OS / Browser are you using? Have you tried a different browser?


What Server are you using?


The blank area in the ceebox popup should be an iframe. What do you get from right click > iframe properties / source?


Since the update check is working I assume the issue is not related to http/https - can you confirm this?


Try to change the html doc-type in catalog/mailhive.php to the same value as the update-check uses (source code). (had before some issues with ceebox in IE due to doc-type)


If you want you can deactivate the ceebox popups by commenting the ceebox.js out in the mailbeez admin. The buttons will then open in a new tab/window.



I will check the install docs when back. Put the extra-box in the existing tools extra_boxes folder (hope I remember correctly). It will put the MailBeez link in your admin/tools menue.



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Hiii, I installed the module on my zen cart.


I am having a little trouble in getting it to work.


When I run the module, or click on "list recipients" ...nothing shows up.


I get this:


MailBeez - Mode: production



code: nopurchase module: nopurchase

Result:0 items


I truly appreciate your help in advance as I want to get working with the great contribution asap.



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Hiii, I installed the module on my zen cart.


I am having a little trouble in getting it to work.


When I run the module, or click on "list recipients" ...nothing shows up.


I get this:


MailBeez - Mode: production



code: nopurchase module: nopurchase

Result:0 items


I truly appreciate your help in advance as I want to get working with the great contribution asap.



I would say everything is fine and the module does what it should - you just have no customers w/o a purchase with their account created in the given timeframe.


Try to set the "skip after" number of days to a high number or create an account and set the start number of days to -1



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This might be a dumb question but i haven't been able to find any info.


Is there a way to limit the number of emails sent?


My host doesn't allow any more than 30 emails per 5 minutes and a total of 100 emails per hour.


Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by pctekcomponents
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This might be a dumb question but i haven't been able to find any info.


Is there a way to limit the number of emails sent?


My host doesn't allow any more than 30 emails per 5 minutes and a total of 100 emails per hour.


Any help would be appreciated.


There are no dumb questions ;)


Email throtling is a future feature (but can't give you a date).


Please use the floating "feedback" (left) on mailbeez.com to vote for or request a feature.



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This is an awesome contribution. I have it installed and am currently testing the nopurchase module.


Looking forward I would love to be able to send emails to customers who have purchased a certain product...to suggest a companion product and perhaps also to customers who have purchased a certain product x days ago but haven't purchased it since...ie a reminder type service. Does anyone know if there are plans for this type of email module or if not, could some one give me an idea as to how to go about this? I know there was mention of simply changing the SQL query but I didn't see any detail on how/where to do that.


BTW, Nice job Cord!!!!




PS: I'm off to make a donation to support this fine contribution.

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This is an awesome contribution. I have it installed and am currently testing the nopurchase module.


Looking forward I would love to be able to send emails to customers who have purchased a certain product...to suggest a companion product and perhaps also to customers who have purchased a certain product x days ago but haven't purchased it since...ie a reminder type service. Does anyone know if there are plans for this type of email module or if not, could some one give me an idea as to how to go about this? I know there was mention of simply changing the SQL query but I didn't see any detail on how/where to do that.


BTW, Nice job Cord!!!!




PS: I'm off to make a donation to support this fine contribution.

Hi dan,


Thanks for the nice feedback and your donation! Very motivating!


Currently I focus on making the framework complete and versatile.


Both usecases are definetly on the roadmap for future modules. But unfortunately they are not done by just changing a sql query.


Cross-selling (companion product):

Oscommerce does not support this by default, but there is e.g. the mod xsell2 which could be the way wto map products together - this could then be used by mailbeez.

Do you have xsell in place?


Periodic reminder: what would you expect in detail?



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Hi dan,


Thanks for the nice feedback and your donation! Very motivating!


Currently I focus on making the framework complete and versatile.


Both usecases are definetly on the roadmap for future modules. But unfortunately they are not done by just changing a sql query.


Cross-selling (companion product):

Oscommerce does not support this by default, but there is e.g. the mod xsell2 which could be the way wto map products together - this could then be used by mailbeez.

Do you have xsell in place?


Periodic reminder: what would you expect in detail?



Hi Cord...that's too bad I was hoping it might be a simple matter of taking one of the existing routines and modifying the query. Arrgghhhh....it's never simple is it?


Regarding the detail, I probably didn't explain myself very well. With respect to the companion product...I was just thinking that it would be useful to be able to send a promotional email to those who purchased a particular product within a certain period of time. Very similar to what I was thinking about with the periodic reminder..ie if a customer purchased a particular product, say between two dates and hasn't repurchased it then send them a reminder email. In fact depending on how flexible the routine might be, these may indeed be the same thing....perhaps different skus, different periods of time and different emails being generated.


If this is possible I'd be very interested in it.



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With regards to the blank box it is a problem with the SEO URI mapping plugin. If this is switched off the boxes work.


Thanks a lot for this finding!


I wonder if this might be a different reason why the ceebox popups are blank - did the pages work when opened in a new window?


Do you have more information about the SEO URI mapping plugin? How does it change the urls? Can it be deactivated on a page level?

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Hi Cord...that's too bad I was hoping it might be a simple matter of taking one of the existing routines and modifying the query. Arrgghhhh....it's never simple is it?


Regarding the detail, I probably didn't explain myself very well. With respect to the companion product...I was just thinking that it would be useful to be able to send a promotional email to those who purchased a particular product within a certain period of time. Very similar to what I was thinking about with the periodic reminder..ie if a customer purchased a particular product, say between two dates and hasn't repurchased it then send them a reminder email. In fact depending on how flexible the routine might be, these may indeed be the same thing....perhaps different skus, different periods of time and different emails being generated.


If this is possible I'd be very interested in it.




Hi dan,


It would be possible to use e.g. the category, products attributes or also purchased information to group products into classes and define different emails and reminder schedules for each class.


I have sent you an email to your donation contact to discuss details offline.



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Hi mailbeez.

I found this because I tried your plugin on a local copy of my site which doesn't have the URI mapping installed.

I am using Ceon URI mapping (http://www.zen-cart.com/index.php?main_page=product_contrib_info&products_id=1269)

You can edit the .htaccess file to ignore URI mapping certain parts of the site - I have tried to add the mailbeez folder but it still doesn't work. I think I need to make it ignore the mailbeez.php? It would be easier if this could be placed into the mailbeez folder.


Unfortunately I am no good with PHP etc so cannot really work out how to recify the problem.




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Hi mailbeez.

I found this because I tried your plugin on a local copy of my site which doesn't have the URI mapping installed.

I am using Ceon URI mapping (http://www.zen-cart.com/index.php?main_page=product_contrib_info&products_id=1269)

You can edit the .htaccess file to ignore URI mapping certain parts of the site - I have tried to add the mailbeez folder but it still doesn't work. I think I need to make it ignore the mailbeez.php? It would be easier if this could be placed into the mailbeez folder.


Unfortunately I am no good with PHP etc so cannot really work out how to recify the problem.





This is really not a PHP problem. Its a web server problem. Your host might be able to help, though likely for some additional fee - its not generally a covered service...



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Could you be slightly more specific as to why its a web host problem? - considering every thing else works fine.

I would say its a URI and mailbeez compatibility issue. Something is being mapped and going missing - therefore its not loading the iframe?


This is really not a PHP problem. Its a web server problem. Your host might be able to help, though likely for some additional fee - its not generally a covered service...



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Could you be slightly more specific as to why its a web host problem? - considering every thing else works fine.

I would say its a URI and mailbeez compatibility issue. Something is being mapped and going missing - therefore its not loading the iframe?


I did not say it was a web host problem. Presuming your configuration file is correct and stable, and Mailbeez using it appropriately (assumptions I took as given above as your post gave the impression the site had been up awhile and I don't see a slew of ZC specific blank page complaints), this would be a web server problem primarily, because .htaccess is not part of PHP - but a web server component. In this case, mod_rewrite is probably being used.


The module should be using a correct URL, though it may be rendered incorrect by processing in the web server.


May also be an application problem - which could be confirmed by temporarily disabling the rewrite system. If it works using standard URLs, the rewrite is the most likely culprit. This could go wrong in at least 2 ways. First, creation of bad path, 2nd stripping any GET variables. I would expect your web host to be able to be a helpful resource in quickly resolving that issue.



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BTW - wanted to say I'm pretty impressed with this contribution so far. I've installed this on 3 stores. 2 of them are already receiving reviews as a result (one of them 59 in 3 days) and the other is too new to have a sufficient order base to drive results.


Well done :)



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BTW - wanted to say I'm pretty impressed with this contribution so far. I've installed this on 3 stores. 2 of them are already receiving reviews as a result (one of them 59 in 3 days) and the other is too new to have a sufficient order base to drive results.


Well done :)




Hi david,


Thanks a lot!


Your experience (I hate to say it - but I told you so on mailbeez.com ;) ) is the same I made with the prototype of mailbeez - and the motivation for me to put several weeks of full time work in MailBeez so far.


Follow-up emails just work and many customers appreciate e.g. to be ask for their opinion.


The shop I do some work for almost doubled (+ 100%) the order value (compared to any year since 2003) after I introduced the MailBeez prototype in january to ask for product reviews and customer opinion on the independent portal Trustpilot.


Trustbuilding is probably the most important factor to increase conversionrate (turn visitors into customers) and grow your business.

With product reviews visitors gain confidence in your products and with customer reviews (assuming you do your business right and they are positive) visitors get a good feeling to order and turn into customers.

I believe that customer reviews need to be hosted on an external service to be credible and effective - see e.g. the reviews on mailbeez.com - otherwise they look easily faked.

On e.g. Trustpilot you are able to respond to eventually negative ratings and turn them to your advantage - you can demonstrate that you care about your customers.


Btw. have you seen the up to 50% discount + trial period you can get on partner fees through MailBeez? By signing up a partnership you support me and you will grow your business. (ok - enough of this for today ;) )


Enjoy mailbeez and keep me up-to-date what is happening. I am looking for show cases so please let me know if you want to be part of it.



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I have sent you an email to your donation contact to discuss details offline.


Hi Cord...I didn't see your email so I sent you a PM with my direct email address...I look forward to having a dialogue with you on this...dan

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Blank Page in Mailbeez with Ceon URI Mapping

Go to Admin / modules / Ceon URI Mapping (SEO) Config


Add /shop/mailhive.php to the bottom box (Excluded Files) - Click save. (you may have to edit the path!)


Mailbeez popups should now work.


Great plugin by the way... Just having a play now :]

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Blank Page in Mailbeez with Ceon URI Mapping

Go to Admin / modules / Ceon URI Mapping (SEO) Config


Add /shop/mailhive.php to the bottom box (Excluded Files) - Click save. (you may have to edit the path!)


Mailbeez popups should now work.


Great plugin by the way... Just having a play now :]

Great! Will put it into the troubleshooting guide asap!


Have fun with mailbeez and share your experience.



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