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The e-commerce.

HTML instead of Swedish characters.


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I’m setting up a Swedish store and everything is working well, except for one thing.

When I’m sending e-mails through Admin/Tools/Send e-mails to customers in Swedish, the Swedish Characters å, ä and ö show up in html instead for in plain text. For instance, if you write å + ä + ö, the e-mail looks like this:


<p>å + ä + ö</p>.


When writing in English it works fine except that the php tags <p> </p> are still shown.


I have installed FCKeditor and in ALL other places the Swedish å,ä,ö characters are working. It is just when I’m sending an e-mail it doesn’t work.


Has someone got an idea how to solve this problem? If you have, please explain like explaining to Winnie-the-Pooh.


Thanks in advance


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