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Shopping Cart for Tour Reservation


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This is Prakash.


I am doing a online reservation project done in OsCommerce. I don't know how much it is possible. This is my first project in OsCommerce. In this project the product is not an item but it is a place. The quantity of product (i.e., place) will not increase but the number of travelers may increase and the price will increase accordingly. The travelers may be "Adults" and "Kids" and the price will differ accordingly (i.e., there are two different prices for a single product). Using the addon "Extra Product Fields v1_3" I have added extra fields as "Adults" and "Kids" which will store the two different prices. In the user page I have provided an option to choose number of adults and kids and to choose the date(s). When clicking "Add to Cart" (here it is "Book Now"), I am able to get the values (Adults, Kids and Prices) and calculate the "total price" in "includes/application_top.php". Now I need to create sessions for,


1) Date

2) Number of Adults

3) Number of Kids

4) Price per Adult (not mandatory)

5) Price per Kid (not mandatory)

6) Total Price


Finally I need to store them in database wherever they need.


I am really struggling more to create these sessions and to store them in database. Please anybody help me to complete my task.


Thanks and Regards

Prakash Thangavelu


If i u nderstand what you want correctly, then product attributes can do this, set the base price then set up attributes for Adults at one price selecting the amount of adults, and then do the smae for kids, this will then carry on throughout the checkout process and will also still show on the invoice.


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Thank you for the replay. I think product attributes will be used for product specifications. But here I need to divide the "product price" into "price for adult" and "price for kid". And I need to divide the "product quantity" into "number of adults" and "number of kids". I think it is not possible to achieve this using product attributes, but I will try it. Please see the below link for the reference,




My task is much similar with above link. I need more help please.


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