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New Install And Images won't show


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This is my third OSCommerce install, but the first time i have had this problem.


None of the item images that come with the initial install would display. So I uploaded a test item, and that image won't display either.

I have used OSCommerce to make two other stores and never ran into this problem.

One thing that MAY be of importance is, while uploading the files via FTP I did get several errors saying "not all files could be copied" or close to that. If I got that error message I would then upload the contents to that file individually and I wouldn't get it again.


I am wondering if I should just stop now and re-upload all of the files before I get to deep into customizing.

Can I do this without going through the set-up steps again if I don't upload the "install" file?


I went through the configure file as suggested in another thread, but after making adjustments with no results I don't know if I did more harm than good :'(




This is my third OSCommerce install, but the first time i have had this problem.


None of the item images that come with the initial install would display. So I uploaded a test item, and that image won't display either.

I have used OSCommerce to make two other stores and never ran into this problem.

One thing that MAY be of importance is, while uploading the files via FTP I did get several errors saying "not all files could be copied" or close to that. If I got that error message I would then upload the contents to that file individually and I wouldn't get it again.


I am wondering if I should just stop now and re-upload all of the files before I get to deep into customizing.

Can I do this without going through the set-up steps again if I don't upload the "install" file?


I went through the configure file as suggested in another thread, but after making adjustments with no results I don't know if I did more harm than good :'(




O.k., What is happening is when adding a new item, the images are being uploaded to www.MYSITE.com/catalog/images/PICTUREHERE.jpg


there is no /catalog/images folder.

Just an /images/ folder


What file do I need to edit to get the pics to the correct folder?

I looked in /admin/categories.php but didn't see anything that looked useful(for a PHP dummy)


Any advice?




Check your configure.php to ensure the path to the /images folder is correct. If you installed your store in your root, you should not have /catalog/ in the configure.php








Check your configure.php to ensure the path to the /images folder is correct. If you installed your store in your root, you should not have /catalog/ in the configure.php






Before I go messing up anything, which configure file do I need to edit?

I see 4 files:






within the /admin/includes/configure/ file is this line:

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/catalog/');


Should I change that to: define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/'); ?


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