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The e-commerce.

Adding a Business Name


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HI, I am building my first web-site and “clueless” about what to do. I am looking for help in how to add my business name to the site (replacing the oscommerce heading). Please can somebody help me with an easy step by step how to for dummies.


HI, I am building my first web-site and “clueless” about what to do. I am looking for help in how to add my business name to the site (replacing the oscommerce heading). Please can somebody help me with an easy step by step how to for dummies.

The easiest way it to create a company logo that includes the company name, and replace the store_logo in the header.php file.


Otherwise, you will edit the /catalog/includes/header.php file and insert the html wherever you want it to appear in the header, making sure not to disrupt the table structure.

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