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The e-commerce.

I must be a COMPLETE moron


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I have managed to fix my cart up cosmeticly, however, my prob now, yah i know another one lol,


I have set the size of the shop to me 750pixels wide, rather then 100%. It works on all pages, just not on the individual product's add to cart page.


I'm going to post these links, and hope that no one stones me for such a disgusting cart, but its a work in progress!!


Works: http://dotcomcomputing.net/shop/default.php?cPath=22

Doesn't work: http://dotcomcomputing.net/shop/product_in...?products_id=30


Anyone? PLEASE!?



and don't hit me..............my head is sore from listenin to that guy tell me to bang my head on the desk :(


I'm so embarrassed.............second time today i got fed up, posted, and found the problem not thirty seconds later.



Can I be a record holder if i keep doin it? Please!?


A little off topic, but if you're going to primarily do business in the US you might want to rearrange the fields in the Create Account page to US standard. Also, you can get a US flag icon at www.oscdox.com in the downloads section, OSCguide Translations Archive, near the bottom.

A little off topic, but if you're going to primarily do business in the US you might want to rearrange the fields in the Create Account page to US standard.



How do I do that? And what do you mean? Changing the order in which the questions appear?


Instead of

Street Address:

Post Code:





It should be

Street Address:



Zip Code:



Because that's how we're used to writing it. Go to http://guide.oscdox.com. There's instructions on how to do this.


Thank you so much :) :) I really appreciate it...any other things you think i should do...please feel free to let me know..I'm still very new at the osCommerce setup and could use anything youd like to give :):)


Thanks a ton!!!


you might also consider changing some of the boxes that are shown... I mean you have the Language selection one and the Currency selection one, and yet only one option for each of them...


Actually , there are a few things you should know. Because you're more computer savvy than most people and you work with osCommerce every day, you take it for granted. A customer looking at it for the first time might be a little intimidated. So, on the first page, explain how to navigate the site. Like how the breadcrumb in the upper left hand side of the page works. And how to go to the different catagories. And what happens when you click on a picture. The "log yourself in" and "create an account" links should be red, or another color that stands out. Rephrase it to explain what happens better. Like "To login to an existing account click here to create one."


On every page you should explain how to get back to the default page and how to get back to the category they were browsing. On the shopping cart page explain how to add or remove products from the cart.


On the create account page put something like "For your safety and security please fill out the form below. Thank you." Something that will encourage the customer to fill it out. Something that makes them afraid not to and at the same time asks them politely to do it.


You should eliminate all fields that you don't need. If you're expecting to do business only in the US get rid of the Country field. Also get rid of the telephone and fax fields. You probably won't need them, and if you do you can send them an email requesting it and explaining why you need it. If you're not planning on sending out a newsletter get rid of that field also. You want the sign in process to be quick and simple.


When you're ready to test your cart, after asking the people in this forum to check it out, ask some other people to look at it. The people in this forum know too much about osCommerce. We know how to do everything with no problems. Ask some people who don't know anything about osCommerce to look at it. That way you can spot problems that inexperienced customers would have.


And lastly, on the first page, and in the email messages you send the customers, put an email address that people can click on and send you suggestions and criticisms. And follow their advice.


If I think about it some more I could come up with some others. But basically what you want to do is encourage customers to create an account and buy your products. Don't just lay out your products and expect customers to flock to them. Invite them in. Make them feel welcome. Make every process as easy as possible. Go through every step one at a time and think of ways to make them as easy as possible and as encouraging as possible.


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