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Can i create categories options


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Hi , we run a baby toys eshop , and was wondering if there is a option to create something like extra categories but not in the main categories with options or attributes of products , we like to make it possible to browse by age and by material , is that possible ??


Thanks for your answers




First there maybe a better solution, but erroring on the easy side and highly possible, one way to tackle this would be to


Make a new categories:

Browse By Age

  • -Ages 1 to 3
  • -Ages 4 to 6
  • -Ages 7 to 11
  • -Ages 13+

Browse By Material

  • -Lead Free Plastic
  • -Wooden
  • -Metals
  • -Mixed

Then "link" the current inventory to the appropriate categories.


If you wanted to make Buttons and not display the new categories rather a button in your header, or maybe on the search page, you could use the addon "Hide Categories" this would allow you to hide the categories from the menu, giving access to them via the button.



A more complicated option would be to add extended data in the database on the products table.

You would need to add all the variable options like ages_1_3, material_plastic, etc. then enter a value for each product in each new column. No,Yes or 0, 1. Then modify your search to hit these columns as "special attributes" when a customer selects an option matching it. Or create a new button (function) that does this and returns the results. I have more ideas on this as well, but maybe there is a better solution others know of.


Good Luck,



Another option would be to use the Products Specifications Addon. It allows you to set up any number of additional data fields and Filters on those fields. Filters allow your customers to select a particular value or range of values from those data fields. It's a big Addon with a lot of options, but you might find some other things in there that you want to use.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Thanks both for your valuable help i really appreciate it , i will try both and let you know about the result .


Thanks again for your help




First there maybe a better solution, but erroring on the easy side and highly possible, one way to tackle this would be to


Make a new categories:

Browse By Age

  • -Ages 1 to 3
  • -Ages 4 to 6
  • -Ages 7 to 11
  • -Ages 13+

Browse By Material

  • -Lead Free Plastic
  • -Wooden
  • -Metals
  • -Mixed

Then "link" the current inventory to the appropriate categories.


If you wanted to make Buttons and not display the new categories rather a button in your header, or maybe on the search page, you could use the addon "Hide Categories" this would allow you to hide the categories from the menu, giving access to them via the button.



A more complicated option would be to add extended data in the database on the products table.

You would need to add all the variable options like ages_1_3, material_plastic, etc. then enter a value for each product in each new column. No,Yes or 0, 1. Then modify your search to hit these columns as "special attributes" when a customer selects an option matching it. Or create a new button (function) that does this and returns the results. I have more ideas on this as well, but maybe there is a better solution others know of.


Good Luck,





Hi Don , i installed the Hide Categories addon and would like to make two drop downs just for the two new extra categories ,i will use one of the dropdown menu addons but how i will point only into only this two categories ??




You'd just need to get the cPath of the new categories then modify the dropdown code to look at just those 2 options.


I'm pretty good at looking at working code and modifying it, not so good at writing my own. I would have to look at how the drop-downs are being populated (code) to offer any further suggestion.


Another option would be to use the Products Specifications Addon. It allows you to set up any number of additional data fields and Filters on those fields. Filters allow your customers to select a particular value or range of values from those data fields. It's a big Addon with a lot of options, but you might find some other things in there that you want to use.






Dear Kymation this addon is for sure one of the best i have seen around , bit difficult on making the modifications on files. I have installed it but somewhere with the changes i think i have lost the flow :-) . Is it possible to make one more detailed installation guide for the modification files like index.php and categories.php that have too many changes ? .. I will give it again a try anyway cause is for sure what we need.





I gave the best information that I knew how to give. If you have a batter idea, please feel free to suggest it.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


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