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Product Download help (going crazy...)


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Please anyone.. please help. I am starting to loose my mind over this. I have done everything every single post read, searched everywhere for the past 2 weeks and I cant get my products to download. They are eBooks.

I would have thought that something like downloadable would be so easy and pointing where a file is but now we have to create download then yes option in some places, only in some other places.


I have done the cataloag (catalog as well) folder with no avail.) please everyday I waste I loose money and time. I am using oscommerce version 2.2. I tech oriented so please tell me what I am doing wrong.




Although OSC comes standard with a download controller I would suggest you install this one anyway as it handles the file system much more efficiently:





Once you have it installed and configured you create your products under categories/products, then create a download attribute for the new product which lists the file(s) that are associated with the new product.


Then, upload the file (using the same file name you used above) into the Downloads directory of your store.






thanks Chris. I tried to install and I was at a loss for what to do.

I decided too reinstall using the catalog option that everyone is talking about but I still cant get it to work.


My deadline for this is on monday and I am about to die cause I just do not know what is wrong. I have done everything everywhere. I am suprised oscommerce didnt think of making this download option for files easier.


I read on the forums that the addon does not help with the download folder not linking.


thanks Chris. I tried to install and I was at a loss for what to do.

I decided too reinstall using the catalog option that everyone is talking about but I still cant get it to work.


My deadline for this is on monday and I am about to die cause I just do not know what is wrong. I have done everything everywhere. I am suprised oscommerce didnt think of making this download option for files easier.


I read on the forums that the addon does not help with the download folder not linking.



Check out the following:


osCommerce Download Feature

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

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