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The e-commerce.

How to hire someone!?


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So I installed OSC and added about a half a dozen contributions. Customized a template, added some products and connected it to PayPal. Had to visit the forums when things went bump and fixed many things or outright discarded contributions that I just didn't figure out how to make work or had about a thousand postings in the forum for where the answer to the bump just didn't jump out after reading through pages and pages of posts (also an indicator of maybe that contribution just may cause more problems than its worth).


So I mostly have a working site...was surprised when people actually visited and started buying things...was supposed to be just sort of a hobby site (but of course a little greediness with PayPal hooked in).


There are several other things I'd like to have done, and as a "hobby", would be enjoyable to figure out and do myself; but; Summer is here in Minnesota and the kids have cabin fever so not so much time to play (along with a thousand other excuses and reasons).


Did a search through the forums for "hire" and found that there is no "hire a coder/developer/guru/etc." section and the postings wildly swayed from side to side, front to back and top to bottom on why.


I realize you get what you pay for and there is no such thing as a free lunch...but...everyones situation is different. You go from one end of the spectrum where a housewife with an out of work husband in Omaha, Nebraska has a widget she makes and wants to have her own ecommerce site and is looking for the lowest cost to get it up and running yesterday to the other end of the spectrum where you may have Big Company with deep pockets that decides OSC is the way to go and they'll make all their coders OSC gurus or outsource to a 1000 coders in Elbonia for a million dollars, maybe ;-)


A quick break for a story - back when I was an Engineer, my father who is also an Engineer told me this story - "There was this huge factory with hundreds of machines going 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. One day there was a huge "bang" and all the machines ground to a halt. The factory manager ran around pulling his hair out trying to figure what was wrong. Machines not running = losing money! He called in a Consultant. The Consultant asked a couple questions then made his way across the factory floor to one particular machine. He put down his tool bag, pulled out a tape measure and a piece of chalk. Measured to a point on the side of the machine and marked a spot. He then took out a small hammer and tapped three times on the spot. The machine started up along with all the other machines. The factory was back in business. He walked up to the Factory Manager who was gushing in thanks. The Consultant said "that will be $100". The Factory Manager was outraged. "$100!!! But all you did was tap a couple times with a hammer!!". The Consultant calmly pulled out a piece of paper and pencil and said "Here. I'll itemize that for you" and wrote on the paper and handed to the Factory Manager. On it was written: $1 for Tapping. $99 For knowing where to Tap.


So I know that when I try to hire someone for something there are a lot of considerations, especially the "knowing where to tap" value.


The question finally: If you do need to hire someone for whatever reason with your OSC project - is there, somewhere (believe me I've searched here and googled)a summary of considerations for hiring someone (other than common sense); estimates of costs; approved or recommended consultants; or even a place to start?


Even something as simple as...


Define Scope/Define Features & Functionality/Define Budget/Define Time/Etc.




Install/configure = X time and X dollars or Fixed price

- subtasks

Install Contribution = X time and X dollars

- subtasks





Go to "rent-a-OSC-tapper dot com"


....or did I just answer my own question? ;-)




Its not allowed to offer or ask for commercial services in this forum.


To find someone for hire, you could do on of the following.


1. Use google


2. Use one of the bid for project sites,


3. You can contact active forum members here with high post counts by PM and politely ask if they are interested in commercial work.


I use eprogrammers.net and they have some good experts who meet all oscom requirements.


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