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The e-commerce.

What kind of programing this that?


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I'm visiting buy.com and seeing they have a blue bar at the bottom. Check it your yourself. I'm thinking to have this interesting function install into my e store. Does anybody have experience of this kind of programming? Is there any more information on how to create something like this. I'm not a programming guy and i hope my web master is good enough to make something like this. Please show me the way on how to create this blue bar. Thanks




Are you talking about the links in the Footer ??? if you are, that is exactly what they are, just links. Very simple to do.






There is no blue bar at the bottom, but there is a block of links. This is simple to do without any programming knowledge. Just Create a table with the table cells and insert the links (or divs if you use those)


You only need basic knowledge of html to do this.


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