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delivery address not shown on admin orders


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Hi all,

I have a problem with the orders being processed. I can looka t the order but i can see the payment details and costs etc. but no delivery address or ship to address.


I have looked in my admin area but can not see a option to put them on.


Can anyone help.


I am using MS1



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The problem report is very puzzling, since admin/orders.php 1.107 unconditionally displays the shipping and billing addresses, as has every version since 1.103.


Do you see the header text "Shipping Address:" and "Billing Address:" and blanks next to them?


Have you checked to see if the addresses are stored in the database entries for the order (in the orders table)?

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to answer your questions the addresses are stored in the database orders, I can see all the details there.


when i look at the orders in admin no address appears, even on the invoice sold to and ship to are blank


when the customer gets the email stating what they have ordered the delivery address and billing address headings show but no text below.


I have used someones elses checkout_process.php file and still the same error, no addresses shown.


I am soo confused

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Here it is



$Id: orders.php,v 1.107 2003/02/06 17:37:08 thomasamoulton Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2002 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



i am gratefull for your help



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$Id: orders.php,v 1.3 2003/02/15 23:41:28 wilt Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2002 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



just tried this version as well no good!!!

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$Id: checkout_process.php,v 1.10 2003/02/16 15:40:39 wilt Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2002 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License


tried it with this checkout_process as well still the same



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I'm stumped. You must be in some kind of Bermuda Triangle.


Do the shipping and billing addresses show in the invoice?


Does the shipping address show in the packing slip?

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No the shipping addresses do not show in the packing slips or the invoices


but they are showing in the orders database when i look at them


its very strange :cry: :cry: :cry:


I am ready to open the store if I can sort this out



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  • 2 months later...



I have the same problem. Just installed it last week, and orders work, but the shipping address is left blank??


I can see their address under the >customers>edit tab, but nowhere to be seen in the invoice or the email to the customer or me? How was this fixed?


Weird... Thank's

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Well here some more .


Well you use the US as the country and the "state" is selected from the drop down menu then it always works fine. But when you select another country which doesn't have drop-down menu state selection ie AUSTRALIA, then the shipping address goes missing on all orders?


Any ideas????


cheers :shock:

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well i have definetely found the cause. If you from the US it works fine :D


Whenever i select AUS then no shipping address is shown :(


If i figure out the fix - i'll post it....cheers

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  • 3 months later...

I hope this can be of help to you all, (it worked for me).


I had the sam problems as you described. Address info etc not shown in the admin section when viewing an order, invoice or packing slip.


I had installed an add-in: A credit card module to collect the CVV, Issue Number and Valid from date. (i am uk based).


The contribution i installed was



As you end up adding extra fields to the order table (for the info above) the readme.txt tells you to update a query in catalog/includes/classes/order.php to include the new fields.


It does not say in the readme to update the file admin/includes/classes/order.php accordingly. Basically to solve the problem i had i just replaced:


      $order_query = tep_db_query("select customers_id, customers_name, customers_company, customers_street_address, customers_suburb, customers_city, customers_postcode, customers_state, customers_country, customers_telephone, customers_email_address, customers_address_format_id, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_suburb, delivery_city, delivery_postcode, delivery_state, delivery_country, delivery_address_format_id, billing_name, billing_company, billing_street_address, billing_suburb, billing_city, billing_postcode, billing_state, billing_country, billing_address_format_id, payment_method, cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, currency, currency_value, date_purchased, orders_status, last_modified from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_id = '" . tep_db_input($order_id) . "'")

Line 34 approx in the admin/includes/classes/order.php




$order_query = tep_db_query("select customers_id, customers_name, customers_company, customers_street_address, customers_suburb, customers_city, customers_postcode, customers_state, customers_country, customers_telephone, customers_email_address, customers_address_format_id, delivery_name, delivery_company, delivery_street_address, delivery_suburb, delivery_city, delivery_postcode, delivery_state, delivery_country, delivery_address_format_id, billing_name, billing_company, billing_street_address, billing_suburb, billing_city, billing_postcode, billing_state, billing_country, billing_address_format_id, payment_method, cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires, cc_cvv, cc_start, cc_issue, currency, currency_value, date_purchased, orders_status, last_modified from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_id = '" . tep_db_input($order_id) . "'");


Hope it helps you.



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