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The e-commerce.

logo formats


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I'm new and I'm working on modifying my first oscommerce site. I am working from a template/page that was set up for me by another company.


They set it up so that my logo has to be in a gif format. How can I change this as I have tried to design a few logos but the edges look fuzzy and crappy in the gif format. I'd rather use jpg or png.


Thanks in advance.




PS, the instructions in "how do I" about making rounded corners on the boxes do not work.

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In /catalog/includes/header.php you will find the call to the logo around line 55. Edit as you like.


Thanks. They appear to have configured this store differently so that there is no includes in the catalog directory. All there is is a header php in the public html folder. In reading through that, I can't see anywhere to change what formats will be accepted for the logo. I'm frustrated.


I suppose the least of my worries is the logo, the site sucks big time and I have a lot to work on to get it looking half decent, but at least if there was a nice logo on there I thought it might not make me cringe so badly every time I go to my page, lol.

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No, it's 2.2

Then you must be using a template of some sort. If we know what template it was we may be able to help, but if you are that dissatisfied with your current shop then cut your losses and reinstall now.

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