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The e-commerce.

Joomla CMS within OSCOMMERCE


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Not really (or at least, not easily). Both a CMS (such as Joomla) and an eStore (such as osC) want to "own" your site. If you don't want to use one of the Joomla ecommerce plug-ins, you could probably install osC in its own directory and provide links to it from the rest of Joomla site, as well as modify the osC header to provide a link back to the Joomla site. Keep in mind that osC will still have its own ID and password system (not shared with Joomla). Worse, if you leave osC to see something on the Joomla side and then come back, your session will be gone and your shopping cart will probably be empty. The two systems were developed independently and not architected to play nicely with each other. It would take some modification to both Joomla and osC to use the same signon and preserve your shopping cart even when you leave the osC area. Maybe there's a "bridge" for this -- be sure to look around. It could be done, but it wouldn't be easy.

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There is a bridge (a joomla plugin) that connects OSC and Joomla:


but the support site for it is down, there are no install instructions available elsewhere on the web that I could find.

If I could figure it out, this combination of OSC and Joomla would be perfect.

Any ideas?

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