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Can someone please tell me (simply) where I might find the index.html file.(if there is one)


Also I have removed the title and graphic (What do we here") how do I get the text up to within about 10px from the top


Also Im trying to upload an image, but don't know how to do it. Im using FileZilla, the image is on my desktop, so I need to get it from there into FileZillato upload. its a background image so would I just upload it to ???.


Hope this makes sense.


Many thanks



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There is no index.html file in osCommerce. There is a index.php file instead, that is "responsible" for the "home page" and all categories and manufacturers listings


Regarding your 10px question, no idea what you mean


Regardinf upload: Copy the image from your desktop into the local folder of your store (catalog/images/). Then find it via filezila and press "upload" or something like this. If you want to use it as a background image, you need to make corrections in file stylesheet.css, to say where this background should be set and what image to use for it

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If you are using Filezilla, in the left panel, locate the image on your computer and in the right panel, open catalog/images. Click and drag the image from the left to the right and presto it will be in the images folder on your server.

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