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Multiple "child catergories" & images don't load

Michael Silvester

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It's easier if you go to my site www.irrigationdirect.com.au


If you click on the "Water Treatment" category, then "IBC Water" there are 7 sub categories which is correct, yet below that is multiple categories of exactly the same sub category "Sediment Filters Pleated Washable".


I have checked and checked the import file, deleted all info numerous times, but still get the same problem.


I'm using ver 2.2 RC2


I'd greatly appreciate help with this.


Also, when I update or load new items via "Easy Populate, it won't pickup the existing images that used to work with exactly the same item number. All that has happened is the items have been deleted and re-uploaded and the images left in the images folder in public_html


Thankyou in advance



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Further to my previous post, I have found that what is showing as duplicates in the category menu are actually products - We have multiple products with the same name, but with different specifications and part numbers, so these shouldn't show at all in the category menu.


I trust this helps.


Take care,


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